Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I think I mentioned in another post that I've been seeing and hearing from past acquaintances this year. I have been emailing back and forth with one who was one of my best friends from school (Karen) going way back to the 1st grade. We didn't have kindergarten at my school then so that's as far back as it goes. (Yes, I know that little fact says I'm old.)

I can remember us riding our bikes around our country block where we lived in the summer time. I can remember that we talked a lot but don't remember everything we talked about but I'm sure we solved lots of juvenile problems. I remember she had this horse named Dottie and to me it was so huge because at my house we had a little Shetland pony (named Jack). LOL.
I remember that she had this one favorite book when we were younger called "Old Bones". She loved horses. I loved flowers. I wonder how much of this kind of stuff she remembers.

I am enjoying getting to know her once again in this stage in our lives. We are currently still catching up on past histories and that is going to take a while because it's been years. She remains easy for me to talk / write to and I think this will be a worthwhile friendship journey for us. I truly cherish my friends even though many of us have drifted apart. Maybe it's time to change all that. :)

1 comment:

  1. It happened to me too. I got a phonecall from a childhood friend. We met and we promised each other to stay in touch. It will not be easy as she doesn't even want to have a computer. We are different in character ,but still we have common ground and I believe we'll be in some sort of relationship.

    I wish you Good Luck with your renewed friendship!
