Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bad Mood?

I think this week should have been labled "Bad Disposition Week". I witnessed so many bad moods because of the weather and the problems it has caused. Granted, anyone who was anywhere near a tornado has my utmost sympathy. A lot of folks are upset because it has rained so much that they cannot mow their grass and it's getting out of hand. Some folks are just tired of the weather and need sunshine. It is true, when the sun shines the outlooks seem much better. Now, add the fact that it's also the end of the month and a very busy time for my workplace and you have it! BAD DISPOSITION WEEK. lol...We will all get through it though...until next time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

If it rains anymore, I may need a boat to get to work. We need sunshine! It just improves the dispositions of many when we get it! Everyone is tired of the rain, not to mention the farmers can't get the crops in right now. Who knows how long it will take once it stops before they can get in the fields. Everyone that comes in at work talks about the rain. It is bothering EVERYONE.

This has been a busy week so far and it will continue on into the weekend non-stop. Only, this weekend we will be going back in time for a bit. We have a work related event in which we will have to dress as one did in the "Roaring 20's". THIS is going to be good! By the time that event is over, it will be time to think about returning to work on Monday. Yikes! Another week will be gone. Crazy....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We all keep hangin' in there!

I will be off to a "morning" meeting once again tomorrow. Getting up an hour earlier to do so. Some things you do because you have to I guess. Life goes by so fast when for the most part one works 6 days a week. During the time off, try to fit in all doctor appointments, hair appointments, grocery shopping, church and family life. (Let's not forget the housework.) Let's not forget all the social functions we must do. Bridal showers, weddings, graduations and the like are included. Sometimes, even work is connected to social functions. Sometimes you just want to "stop the train" for a while and rest. Get off the merry-go-round. Vanish for just a bit. Sounds good to me. Wouldn't it be nice to "delegate" our responsibilities to some other honored person for an unspecified amount of time? LOL...and life goes on.

Friday, April 22, 2011

More ground gears- Ugh!

I was reflecting on a conversation with someone on "magazines". I love to read but never much liked magazines. I had to analyze that for a minute before it came to me. It annoys me to see the words "continued on page_". Now WHY is it necessary to split the story up and have one bouncing all around the magazine just to read the thing? Why can't they just let one read the story on consecutive pages and put all the advertisements in between the stories for crying out loud. Really! LOL...Oh well there's always the book to fall back on.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I titled this "Really?" because when I observe some things in life, that's what I think. I observe a lot of things (even though those around me may think I don't). Just a couple of things lately that made me think (REALLY?).

First, I observed this very wealthy lady trying to get government assistance for a medicine she has to take. It's not that she can't pay for it, she just doesn't want to so she is filling out the paperwork. REALLY?

Then, there is this other person who has been on unemployment for at least a couple of years now. They dutifully report that they keep looking for a job but can't find one. In reality, they have passed up opportunities because they didn't think that it would go along with the "time off" they wanted. So, they keep sucking up the unemployment. REALLY?

I know that the Lord doesn't want us to judge others so this is a struggle for me to see and hear things of this nature take place. "Grinds my gears" so to speak.

More of this kind of thing goes on and most of us are oblivious to it all or simply don't want to know. There are a lot of people out there looking for jobs who really want them and are very worried about their unemployment running out. They aren't just sucking the system, they truly haven't been able to find anything. There are also people who really NEED assistance with their medical expenses who are not trying to abuse the system.

Now I understand what my elders meant when they would say "What's this world coming to?"