Saturday, December 29, 2018


So there is no way to quickly get over a loss of a loved one.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Harley Joe Knox

It has happened.  I have lost my brother.  My heart is broken in what seems like a million pieces.  I loved him so much!

I remember when he was a baby and I would give him his  bottle while Mom was fixing supper.  He would pull my hair and I couldn't get to him with one hand on the bottle and one arm holding him.

Joe was a very talented musician and I am so blessed to have the CD that he performed.  This gives me a chance to again hear his voice whenever I need it.  My children won't have that when I pass because I don't have that talent but they WILL have my words found here.

I always thought when my Mother passed that it had to be the worst experience ever.  Well, this seems even worse and I don't know if it's because I am older and wimpier or if it is because losing a sibling is a little different experience than losing a Mom.  They are both bad ones.  Watching a loved one suffer is the worst thing ever!

Today I wrapped presents while listening to that CD and bawling.  That is the way it goes.  We've all got to heal somehow.  I am sure for every person it is a little different.

I am thankful for the many friends and family who have shown sympathy and support.  Thanks to all!