Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I think I mentioned in another post that I've been seeing and hearing from past acquaintances this year. I have been emailing back and forth with one who was one of my best friends from school (Karen) going way back to the 1st grade. We didn't have kindergarten at my school then so that's as far back as it goes. (Yes, I know that little fact says I'm old.)

I can remember us riding our bikes around our country block where we lived in the summer time. I can remember that we talked a lot but don't remember everything we talked about but I'm sure we solved lots of juvenile problems. I remember she had this horse named Dottie and to me it was so huge because at my house we had a little Shetland pony (named Jack). LOL.
I remember that she had this one favorite book when we were younger called "Old Bones". She loved horses. I loved flowers. I wonder how much of this kind of stuff she remembers.

I am enjoying getting to know her once again in this stage in our lives. We are currently still catching up on past histories and that is going to take a while because it's been years. She remains easy for me to talk / write to and I think this will be a worthwhile friendship journey for us. I truly cherish my friends even though many of us have drifted apart. Maybe it's time to change all that. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Go Figure

I have no idea why, but it seems to be the year for running into old acquaintances for me. It's happening so frequently that it's starting to make me wonder what's behind it all. What special purpose has God figured into this point in my life? Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to bump into these people again. I just have to wonder of the coincidence factor of it all. Or is God being busy doing what he does and as usual I'm lost as to the purpose at this point. It seems so many times that I don't see God's purpose in something until the thing is way past the occurrence. HHmm....points to ponder. :-)

Keep smiling and have a wonderful week!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Season Begins

Today's hunt produced no trophies, but it did leave it's memories for the participants, including an invasive squirrel. LOL. Only 3 of our hunters were out today. The remaining 2 have yet to be out for the 1st time this season. I am waiting for that. I need pictures. :) The longer I live, the more I realize how important pictures can be for preserving our memories.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Time to Hunt

My hunters are gearing up to begin deer hunting tomorrow morning. The difference this year will be that the gals are getting in on the act. They will arise around 5:30 a.m. to get out into the woods before it wakes up and all it's animals start scurrying about. Then, hard telling how long they will have to wait to see anything. They have been observing activity on the field cam over the whole summer. Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009 - Thoughts

There are so many uncertainties right now in life. One doesn't know in this economy whether or not they will have a job in the near future and if you don't have one, what will you do next with your life? I've asked myself that question but can't seem to answer it very well. Would I go in a direction I've already been? Do something entirely new? Or, will I even have a choice? I definitely think, for reasons I won't go into at this time, that I'm not fretting unnecessarily. I cannot deny what I see happening around me every day certainly.

There are some occupations I've thought about trying but cannot do without some education which will also be an added expense in these hard times. I keep kicking all this around in my mind and am waiting for my subconscious to come up with some miraculous answer because my conscious mind must be slacking because it's come up with no sure answer. LOL.

I guess just like the rest of the world, I develop patience and wait. I pray God will steer me right with it all.

Some days, that's what you get when you come here, just my thoughts for the day. :-)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Visit to the Princess

Tonight, I slipped down to my brother's house to give my niece a birthday present. She is 4 years old today. I knew that she liked "My Little Ponies" so I found a pony which rides around in a car with a helmet on and is controlled by a cute little kiddie remote. (Yes, it does require batteries which I supplied.) It was a hit. I was relieved, as I didn't know what toys the kid already had and you never know how a kid will react. The only bad thing was that brother wanted to play with it too and that was a problem with the new toy. (sigh) I told him I was aware that his birthday was coming soon.

I remember how crazy those days were when our boys were little. I can remember life being kind of crazy and I got worn out a lot trying to enjoy it all as we went. LOL. Maybe frazzled is a better word. So, tonight, I observed and remembered and the good part was that after winding them up with the new toy, it was time for me to go home. Heehee. (Payback to my younger brother.) :) It's all good.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Unusual Weekend

Over the weekend I got to see the U.S. Army's presentation called "Spirit of America". I highly recommend it for anyone who has the opportunity. It was very entertaining and informative as well. I especially liked watching the drill team. There was the Old Guard Caisson Platoon, Commander- in- Chief's Guard, the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, to name a few features. Anyway, it was a very enjoyable evening. (Did I mention it was also a free presentation?) It was a fine job done by all involved. I understand the next performance will be in Providence , R.I. on Sept. 25th and 26th.

This certainly isn't the type of weekend I would ever have planned for myself. My sister-in-law actually found out about this event and invited us to go along. I'm glad she did. I had forgotten how good it is for one to go do something different. We get so far into our ruts that we don't even think of deviating from them. Do something different. It's a good thing. :-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

It Was Supposed To Be Easy

You know that thing you did that time that was supposed to be easy and hassle-free? I did one of those things.

I decided this year that I would send the forms via mail for my car tags. My birthday is Sept. 8Th. I sent in the forms on Aug. 22ND. The piece of mail only had to go to Columbus, OH. My birthday came and went and still no tags. I finally got to checking on the internet about them on Sept. 13Th. I found out that the whole thing had been processed on the 11Th. So, I thought I should have them certainly by the 15Th. (Meanwhile, I'm hoping I don't get pulled over in my illegal status. Yikes!) Finally, on the 17Th. of Sept., I received them in the mail.

The lesson to all this is NEVER file for your tags this way. Do it over the internet or go straight to the BMV and take care of it. Here I thought I would just send them in and then I wouldn't have to worry about forgetting to do this chore. Sometimes, it doesn't pay us to "think" does it? It turned out being something I stressed over for days. (sigh)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Does An Introvert Do Road Rage?

O.K., I know this is one crazy topic. I guess the thoughts came to me as I experienced my own form of "road rage" today. (Any form of road rage isn't a righteous thing.) Since I am an analytical introvert, my mind just had to go there.

I was driving to work this morning and got behind this slow moving van. I started quietly muttering my comments of disgust about this. I was saying things like "I know you might be on vacation, but I'm not, so could we hurry up already?"

I don't think it makes me any more righteous than some person who spews out profanities or offers up physical hand signals. I figure from God's point of view, a sin is a sin, an attitude an attitude and I don't think he would be proud of my attitude today.

An introvert has the same emotions and thoughts as an extrovert. They just aren't as vocal or demonstrative about it. I am constantly amazed at how God can use our everyday experiences to grow us and make us think about our actions. :-)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Today was a "Monday" for sure. I don't really like them much. It's getting back into the swing of things for the work week. Why is it that when one has a bad day, a lot of times it happens on a Monday? Do we set ourselves up for this? Are we getting what we subconsciously expect? Hhmm. Maybe. Is it that we bring about what we think about? I do believe that sometimes that can be true. I must remember next Monday to "think" about what a great day it will be. (I'm going to need all I can muster for that one and maybe some coffee too.)

I was recently reading about someone doing a "gratitude" journal. Maybe that is something to consider as well. Really, if I think about it, I always have things I am thankful for. The people that I share my life with are certainly at the top of that list. Life would not be the same without them. I'm even thankful for past experiences because without them (good and bad) I wouldn't be the same person I am today. My hope is to always keep growing as a person which can come with each new day, even a Monday. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Redneck Riggins

My plan for the day was to do some laundry, go to the grocery and transplant some flowers and a butterfly bush. My plans went well. Meanwhile though, in the woods, the guys were having a problem with their plan to put up another tree stand.

They had forgotten the pole saw they use to trim branches. They decided to take a look at what they did have with them. Turns out, they had this fold-out saw (husband Jim had gotten this from "Buck Masters" when he joined). They also had an extension pole which used to house a net for a swimming pool and a roll of duct tape. You guessed it, they rigged themselves a redneck pole saw and their mission was accomplished!

As I was listening to this account and laughing, I was wishing I had a picture of this contraption to share with you all. I doubt if any redneck clip art can be found on the thing. So you will all have to use your imagination.

Keep smiling and I'll catch ya all later! :-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Time to Tell It

I woke up this morning thinking about my Mother. She had Parkinson's disease and was in a nursing home in the same room as my Grandmother. (Mom arrived there a few years before Grandma.) Grandma always seemed to be watching over my Mother. When Grandma 1st came to the nursing home, they tried to put her in another room. Grandma kept going to Mom's room and didn't want to leave. Eventually, they gave in and put them in the same room together.

In October of 2005, my Mother seemingly had a stroke which left her unresponsive. She was in the last stages of her disease. Mom had a living will, which meant she did not want to be kept alive by any artificial means. I got a call from the nursing home when this change came about. The next 10-13 days were the worst in my life.

We were told they didn't really know how long she would last but the nurse that I spoke with said that she personally hadn't had any patients in that situation last more than 10 days. I stayed at Mom's side as much as I could during this time. They told me she could hear so I did talk to her. I held her hand and found myself wanting somehow to give her comfort. There was little I could do. A chart was placed by her bed to let the aids know when she was to be turned so that she wouldn't get bed sores. She got them anyway.

During my daytime hours there I took small breaks to sit on the bench which was provided at the front entrance of the nursing home. It was fall so the leaves were gently floating down off the trees. The season was ending.

It seemed like the days were all running together during this time. Day after day I came to sit with my Mother and watched as the pounds seemed to melt away to skin and bones. Due to the terms of the living will, she had not even an I.V.

My brothers were working during the day so I came for the daytime hours and they stayed with Mom at night. We did not want her to die alone. (During all this, my Grandma watched from what seemed like the safety of the doorway from her wheelchair.)

After about 10 days, my oldest brother urged me to go back to work for bit. I think I went for a day. This was much harder than being with Mom because I felt the need to act like I was O.K. Part of me wanted to cry out to the rest of the world "How could the daily routines be going on as if this wasn't happening?" But, it does and it did.

I believe it was around 13 days total. It's all run together so I cannot remember exactly. We were finally told by the nurse that Mom's time would be soon. All four of us siblings (me and my brothers) were all there. On October 17, 2005, my Mother drew her last breath. My brother gently reached over and closed her eyes. It was like closing a book at it's end. It was the end of her earthly story.

When there was nothing else required or needed from me there, I walked out of Mom's room, out to the car and drove home. (There must have been an angel in there with me because I arrived safely.)

It seemed to me that my reaction to Mom's death was all wrong somehow. Why wasn't I sobbing? Why didn't I feel it more? I was just going through motions I guess. I think my family was concerned because I came home and gave them the final news and proceeded to get Mom's things ready for the funeral. The next day, my brothers and I had to go pick out a cemetery plot since Mom had none. The nursing home also wanted her things removed so we did that too. Somehow we got through those next few days and we are left with the memories.

I try to think of only the good memories of Mom but I seem to be haunted by the images of her last days. There have been days when I have awakened in tears with those images presenting themselves to me once again.

I went back after a couple of weeks and made sure I made regular visits to see Grandma but it was really hard to go into that room and see the bed my Mother had occupied for 6 years now occupied by someone else's Mother.

Just a little over a year later, over Thanksgiving, my Grandma also passed away. Why am I telling this? Why now? I don't really know but perhaps God does.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

All About Time

We had a conversation earlier about doctor's visits, etc. I had a doctor's appointment earlier this week. I received an automated call the day before the visit as a reminder, which I have no complaint about. Then, I was told to arrive at my appointment 10 minutes early. So, I did. I waited the 10 early minutes plus another 15 minutes past my appointment time before being ushered back to the exam room. Then, it was another 20 before the doctor actually came in to see me. So, WHY did I have to be there early?

These days, a doctor can call and cancel your appointment at the last minute if he/she wants to do so. However, if you don't give them 24 hrs. notice, they want to charge you for canceling yours. HHHmmm. That doesn't have "fair" stamped all over it does it?

Some things we cannot do anything about I guess. Except to come here and let it out! Heehee.
It's free therapy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Power of Words.

Sometimes I think about how WORDS effect us. Things that we say to people that get taken the wrong way. Unintentionally stomping on someone's feelings by something we said is not usually the goal I would say. Most people don't get up in the morning with a grand plan to mess up someone else's day. But, it does happen in just about any environment you can think of at some time or other.

I think we are just all "wired" differently and perceive things we see and hear differently. We get offended sometimes at what we think are the intentions of the offender. We all come from different walks of life, have different background experiences and they have a role in how we perceive as adults.

What offends one person goes right over another person's head so to speak. They just don't think anything about it.

What's the solution? Do we tiptoe around everyone because we just don't know? I guess THINKING about how what we say might effect someone before we say it is a good idea. I for one never want to offend so I guess I'm saying that now for the record. To anyone I have EVER offended unknowingly or unwittingly, I sure am sorry.

I think I will stop here and just say "Have a Nice Day". :-)
P.S. Yes, I know I'm rambling again.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Big Day

One's fiftieth birthday is considered to be the "big" one. It has at least been a good one. I sit here wrapped up in my favorite red, snugly blanket with the snowflakes on it, reflecting on the day.

My 1st surprise was a bouquet of flowers from Tony and Whit (No. 2 son and girlfriend). I also discovered a new hairdryer I was wanting from Darren and Kim (No. 1 son and his fiance). It was a good start to my day.

Next, I had to get the doctor's appointment out of the way and move on to the more desirable parts of the day. Phase I was to go to Studio 36 in Urbana, Ohio and get a massage and manicure. Here was the glitch: They had me penciled in for the massage but not for the manicure. The manicure was to be at 11:00 and the massage at 12:00. So, since I wasn't down for the manicure, I left and came back in an hour.

When I came back, it turned out that I could be worked in today for a manicure after all. :-) To make amends for the confusion, I was offered a pedicure and a shampoo and style. I thought this was awesome! I ended up there for over 3 hours but it was all good. Kudos to Studio 36 today! You made my day! Glitch or no glitch. :-)

Phase II on the agenda was going out to eat with my Dad and Stepmother. We went to Bob Evans and enjoyed! I am tired and full but it's all good. :-)

The fairytale ends with the realization that there is work tomorrow and back to life as I have always known it.

Do I have to wait another 50 years to do this again?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Time Goes Fast

It's Labor Day weekend and it has flown by so far. We had a nice fire on Sat. night in which we roasted hotdogs, polish sausages and the like. There was potato salad, macaroni salad, chips, cake and cookies. Do I need to say I blew the diet? Yikes! I don't to this every day though. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

We celebrated my birthday which isn't until Tuesday. The hubby planned it as a surprise, having some family and my best female friend showing up. :-) She and I have a long history together and lots of great walks around the block. Of course, there is as much talking as walking but that's O.K. It can be great therapy time really.

As usual, I have planned to try to do too many things over my time off but I have appreciated being home so much! No place like it.

Tomorrow, I have taken a days vacation to celebrate my birthday and do some special things for myself. I'm having a manicure and a full body massage. Of course, I didn't pay for it. My son and his fiance gave me a gift card for it. That makes it even better! No guilt for spending the money! Heehee.

My friend and I are off shortly for a long awaited walk. (Schedules are not always easy to get around.)

Hope you all are having the best of weekends!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


It's a typical Saturday here with the plan being to get as much of the housework done as possible because I never seem to want to do it during the week before or after my work day. (I should say that the monthly cleaning of an office that I clean part time has been done already today and I have been getting some help with that from the hubby.) The hunters are off putting up a tree stand while others are off to watch the ballgame with friends. I just finished up doing the weekly bills and cleaned the kitchen floor. So I'm gracing you with my presence while it's drying. LOL.

As I clean every week, I notice the same things. The shoes that I asked not to be put in the front room have reappeared there. My request must have been short circuited or deleted in the minds of the people I asked, because I am sure they would have honored my request otherwise, right?

I've got the laundry going and making my grand plan to clean the bathroom. I really am going to have to fire the maid because she doesn't do anything and it never occurs to anyone else. The household chores just magically get done while everyone else goes about their lives. I would go on strike but then I'd just be behind that much more when I realized nobody noticed. That's just how it is.

On the bright side, we think we are going to have a fire tonight to cook over and enjoy. Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another Day

Today has been sort of busy for me. I decided it was high time to re-format my resume. It's not something I look forward to but I felt it needed to be updated. So, I've spent my spare time tonight on it. At least it's in good emailing format now. Enough on that.

I came home to find out that the guest goat "Otis" had gotten out of the pen. He just decided to jump out. This upset his sheep friend "Tuesday". Otis was put back into the pen and precautions have been taken to keep the rascal in now. We certainly don't want anything happening to him. He must have thought life was better on the other side of the fence.

We think that sometimes too don't we? If only we had one of the many things in life that we don't, life would be better, right? I don't think it's entirely true. I have found that some things, once acquired are not what we thought they would be.

For some, it could be that exercise equipment they bought but later sold at a garage sale because buying it didn't make them disciplined enough to use it. It got sold at that garage sale for two reasons:

  1. Because they didn't use it after they bought it.

  2. So they would not have to see it anymore and be reminded that they didn't use it.

Now I'm not putting down anyone who has done this. I've done it with different things myself. Those are the failures we CAN get out of our lives. The emotional baggage we seem to be stuck with at times.

Another one is that perfect job you landed but have grown to hate. What do you do now? Do you plan what you could do to change your life again? I tend to think that way. Who says you have to stay with what you are doing? I say if there is some other road, take it. :-)

It's been a full evening and I have just finished sharing some kettle corn with our pet lab "Alanis". She loves the stuff. It doesn't matter what kind of popcorn it is. When she hears it popping she gets all excited.

Well, that's my exciting life for today. Not noteworthy by any means but it is all mine. :-)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Things First

I guess I should have written this entry first. This is just something I want anyone who reads my blog to know.

Nothing that I write here is ever meant to hurt any one's feelings, offend anyone or upset them in any way. This thing is just about my thoughts or opinions on any given day about anything that happens to be in my mind at the time.

My hope is that a reader will find something in it to enjoy or think about. :-)