Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Love of Grandma

I always knew my Grandma loved me.  She told me so every time I ever remember seeing her.  I didn't realize; however, how deeply she felt what she was saying.  I realize it now, since I have a Granddaughter.  It's hard to describe to someone what it feels like to have your heart bursting with love and joy because of a Grandchild.  I love her so much!  She can totally turn a bad day into a great day in an instant.  Such a gift from God!  Such a precious gift! 

During my contemplation of it all, I am thinking that it must be how God feels about his children. Why he could go to such lengths to save them.  It all fits.  What an amazing sacrifice he gave!  And..such a gift to us all!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Can you find blessings when you are sick?

The last couple of days I've been feeling miserable with a cold.  Here I am, this close to Thanksgiving and I still have loads to accomplish before then.  Of course, when you feel miserable, it's pretty easy to feel sorry for yourself because let's face it, feeling lousy isn't fun. 

While I've been sick though, I've been in contact with some other family members.  I'm finding that they are struggling as well with some health issues and it makes me feel ashamed that I could not see the blessing in the fact that I merely have a cold that is temporary.  I should feel blessed that it's just a cold!  Others have permanent conditions that are not going to improve with time.  Yes, my eyes are watering, I'm coughing and feeling tired.  (I don't seem to have any patience for it all.)  My prayer is that I can stop and think the next time and put it into perspective. 

It's so easy to think that we have it so bad isn't it?  Is that human nature?  Our sinful nature?  I think that my goal will be to do better!  Do better and pray for those who need it more than me! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Anxiety Central

If you have ever had an anxiety attack, you will relate to some of this.  I think it is probably a little different for everyone.  For a few years now, I have experienced these attacks and can't seem to overcome them.  They have become an example in my life of "It is what it is".  These exist for me and I must deal with them. 

So, do you keep on trying to overcome the situations that give you anxiety or do you continue to get beaten down by them?  I guess the answer for that one can be different for everyone, depending on the circumstances.  Perhaps one would feel trapped with no alternative.  Is it an avenue to perseverance and the building of character?  I guess that would make them easier to tolerate, thinking that somehow they would benefit you down the road.

If you are like me and you deal with this, you get frustrated and angry at yourself that you can't seem to beat it.  Is that like trying to be something you are not?  How many people are suffering with this and are misunderstood by those around them because they can't relate?  I guess that comes back to the concept that we shouldn't judge others because we never know what they are going through on the inside. 

Food for thought....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Little Princess

This is my little princess, my 1st grandchild.  She is adorable and so sweet and fun!  She fills the heart with so much love!  She is "Grandma's girl" and she knows it.  I knew I would love my grandchildren but this is awesome!  I play with her a lot and she giggles.  Just thought I would share her picture of her "fairy princess" costume.

So Much Going on!

I've never been a big follower of political bad.  But, I have to say that I, as well as many others are paying lots of attention now.

The health care debate that's going on is atrocious.  I find myself tuning in everyday to see what else has transpired.  I'm not the only one you know.  I think that they will find in the next election, there will be more people than EVER showing genuine interest.  In the past, we have trusted those inclined politically to handle these things for us and we are now finding out we cannot trust those in offices.
The American people are fed up!  Sick of it!  These people get paid BIG bucks to do their job and they are not doing it!  Is it any wonder that many are saying "fire them all!"? 

I've never been a Bill Clinton fan but totally agree with him when he stated that the President should honor his promise to the American people.  There is much unrest going on and if they don't pay attention to this, well I think we are all in trouble. 

I for one want to be able to make my own choices about health care. I don't want the government making them for me.  I'll say it again, I DON'T WANT THE GOVERNMENT MAKING MY HEALTH CARE OPTIONS FOR ME.

The health care website is a whole catastrophe all it's own.  Much has been said, discovered and debated about it.  What is the answer? 

Everyone deserves some health care.  The question is HOW are we as a country going to see that it happens without the government being in complete control?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A bad day..the gift that keeps on giving.

Today was a bad work day.  I usually figure that once I get home the day will improve.  WRONG!  I came home and decided to grab some lunch while watching television. 

A few days ago, I had noticed that a the pencil crock that I keep by my chair had a pen in it that leaked.  I took out what I thought was the offender and didn't see any mess to deal with so all was well.  As I was sitting there, I picked up a pen that was laying on the table and was just messing with it, rubbing it against my face while deep in thought.  I then decided I'd check out was happening in the world of Facebook.  I picked up my phone and caught a glimpse of my reflection in it.  Yikes!  I had black ink all over my face from that pen!  How fitting that the day would continue in "bad" mode! 
I cleaned myself up and decided to sit in my chair and stay out of trouble for the remainder of the afternoon. 

My granddaughter later came for me to babysit and my day improved instantly!  Blessed once again!  Now I will work on my sanity again.  (sigh)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Too Much!

I hate working on Saturdays.  Getting a partial day off two days a week plus Sunday doesn't seem like enough!  I get frustrated and upset about not getting things done at home because I'm too tired to do them!  The weeks all run together with such a schedule.  How do you say "something has to go" when you don't see what that could possibly be?  If you don't feel you have a choice?  There are some things in life that are worth far more to me than others and I refuse to let those things go by the wayside. 

I love spending time with my Granddaughter and refuse to give up any of that time.  What do you do when there is too much on your plate but can't see making a change?  One day at a time I guess.  Things are constantly changing, that's for sure. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Sometimes, when life gets too busy or overwhelming in some way, I look back and think about what it used to be like.  It used to be nice not to have to work any Saturdays.  People don't "get" that when you work a partial day on a Wed. or Sat., by the time you get home and get something to eat for your lunch, the afternoon is half over.  You still had to get up early and "be there" at a certain time.  No sleeping in for you.  You find yourself getting so tired that when you are home you don't want to do anything but chill, which isn't really good for you either.  Yeah...bankers hours, they are great!  It is a reminder that until you walk in someone else's shoes....YOU don't know.  I guess we all need to vent sometimes.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Again

It's Sunday again and it's been a full day.  I went to church this morning and spent the afternoon in the pool.  It was really too hot for anything else.  I don't take the heat real well unless I'm in the water.  I got to see my Granddaughter which is always a big plus.  She is so sweet!  I totally enjoy her.  She is growing so fast I can barely believe it. 

This summer is just flying by.  How is it possible that they seem to go faster every year?  It seems we cram so much into each day.  There are many things I'd like to do  but either don't have the time or am too tired to do them.  (sigh)

Mondays aren't my favorite of days.  In fact, I seem to hate them and my mood usually reflects it.  I think it's the resentment I feel for having given up on the remainder of the "to do" list once more.  The list gets pushed back for another week. Ugh!  Maybe some day.....

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Back to Work

Vacation is over and it's back to work.  What do I wake up to?  RAIN!  I apologize to the farmers but I'm tired of it.  It all depends on how you look at it, huh.  A farmer wants the rain when a person on a limited vacation wants sunshine.  You win some and you lose some.  I lost this one.  Better luck next time.  I guess I'll have to have a day off here and there and hope I hit a good day!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

She Thinks She's One of Us

About a year ago, we added a new member to our household. She's a dog but she thinks she is one of us with the same privelages. That is, she thinks that even when we eat, she gets to eat. She was just little when my son and his fiance' brought her home.   Now a year later, she has become a much loved member of our family.  When her owners are gone, she stays with "Grandma and Granpa"


I have been on vacation since last Thursday.  It has rained most days.  I had hoped to spend a lot of time in my backyard pool but that didn't happen.  I have one more day.  I have gotten a lot of other things done but am generally disappointed in the time off.  I know we needed rain but I didn't need that many days of it. 

Since I last wrote, I have become a Grandmother.  It's awesome.  A little baby girl named Rory has come into our lives and blessed us.  She is so sweet! I also have a new car.  New to me anyway.  It's a 2012 but just like new.  Very nice!  I wasn't crazy about another car payment but we were starting to put money into the other one and I needed dependability in my transportation. 

I really love being home, rain or not.  That's the truth.  I never run out of things to do.  That's what makes working so frustrating. I never have enough time to get it all done. 

What I do tomorrow remains to be seen.  It depends solely on the weather.  Can I get some sunshine?  Stay tuned...