Saturday, January 16, 2021

What next?

Well, I have to say that there is a wondering among people as to what is the next thing coming.  It is like everyone is a little tense with a feeling of waiting for the shoe to fall.  
I definitely think that it is not all over.  There is more to come and it will come before or on the 20th of January.  I have my gut feeling that it is going to be major.  There are all kinds of speculations going on out there.  Who will be right?????

Friday, January 15, 2021


Where to start!  I guess with what I saw/heard yesterday.  Of course I had heard things like everyone else but didn't know how bad it really was or how widespread among certain classes of people.  

I saw a podcast yesterday which exposed what has been happening to children.  I could not even watch/listen to it all because I literally felt sick to my stomach.  It involves many of the so called Elite Class in our nation.  Think Epstein. Think Hollywood.  Think politicians.  Think witchcraft.  

It was stated by a witness to one of these occasions that this person saw a child be tortured (in ways I can't even imagine) and then the child was eaten when it was over.  This is Satan.  This is EVIL!  It makes me sick.  

You probably think why don't they just release everything at once?  It has occurred to me that we really probably couldn't fathom all the evil things all at once.  
Everything is to be revealed very soon!  There is a special place in hell for these individuals!

I believe God is very angry!

Watch What You Say

I think we should be very careful what we say to children.  The mean, hateful things that are said to them by parents or loved ones when they are small will stay with them forever.  How do I know this?  First hand experience of course.  There are things that were said to me from the very people I respected most that still haunt me today.  Oh, I have forgiven them but they have left a permanent scar where the dagger went into my soul.  Think kids are resilient?  They most definitely are!  That doesn't mean they don't have memories.  That experience will stay with them until they die.  Think about it. Do you remember things from your childhood?  Do you think you remember only the good things?  Of course not!  We must let anger cool before addressing an issue.  Just sayin'.  Food for thought!   

On another note...things that are coming out about children and what has been happening to them is going to be another post.  As usual....stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

News! Good or Bad?

During this time, when anything and everything is being posted on the internet, we have to discern for ourselves what we believe is true or not.  It is not wise to believe EVERYTHING you hear or read.  I have found that I seem to take out for myself what is true out of each thing I see or read.  It is tough to decide sometimes.  I do believe that President Trump will remain in the oval office.  Time will tell.  There are some arrests being made now as I write this post.  Some of the things that are happening are truly amazing and some not in a good way. I have the advantage of being at home where I can do my own research and figure it out for myself.  Stay well and be prepared!  Remember:  Optics are important in any operation that is going on in the political realm.   Some things will end up being a wait and see conclusion.  Everyone stay safe and healthy!  Have a good day!

Monday, January 11, 2021

What in the world is going on? Answers coming.

If you really want to know what's going on get your popcorn ready and do some listening homework!  Here you go:

x22report on Rumble

Kimvan67 on Rumble (This is gonna blow you away!)

Sunday, January 10, 2021

What's out there?

 So word on the Internet is that the President of Italy was arrested.  Austria blacked out.  Over 7000 troops surrounding the DC area.  Another report was that Pelosi was arrested at the border. Wow!!!  What is going on????  Be ready for 5 days of no cash, credit card or internet.  Vatican raided. Shots heard.  Arrests made. Yikes!  Quebec under lockdown tonight to keep people safe.  Italy on lockdown.  Pakistan blackout.  Live cam for Paris offline.  Camera shut off at Vatican.

SEE:  "Cash Kelly the Streetlight" on YouTube.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

God is not finished

I do believe God is not finished with what he is going to do to the Democratic party.  Jesus Christ is Lord and God will have the final say.  Stay tuned!

2020 Election

 First of all, I should establish that I am a Trump supporter.  That being said, it's time to tell what the problem really is right now.  The problem is not that the party lost the election.  It is the FRAUD that occurred.  It is the fact that everyone is supposed to just go on with life as if it never happened.  What would have happened if this had happened to the Democrats?  I don't think I have to tell you all that. we are with the Democrats saying they want to unite the country!  Really?  After all the monumental cheating that happened?  Now, our voices are being censored on social media platforms.  Way to go unification!!!!    All this has divided us all even further.  I understand what happened on Jan. 6th should not have happened. There were Trump supporters trying to stop the Antifa thugs from causing the damage.  There is a lot that doesn't sound right about the situation and everyone has noticed this fact.  Yes, people are angry now. Not because we lost, we could except that if it were legally done.  IT WAS NOT!  

So, will the social platforms prosper by losing over 70 million subscribers clicking away on their platforms?  I guess we will wait and see. 😐

Next, President Trump did not encourage any violence.  Just stating facts here.