Monday, August 31, 2009

Tuesday and Otis

We have one sheep that is at the home place right now. Her name is Tuesday. The other sheep are off to other pastures being bred. There was a concern about Tuesday being lonely and needing some companionship during this time. To solve this problem, a guest goat named Otis is staying with her.

Tuesday and Otis have become best of friends. One doesn't go anywhere out there without the other. They look like an unlikely pair but it seems to work. They have been watching everything that has been going on in the back yard with the target practices and all. They don't seem to miss anything. I wonder how Tuesday and Otis will do when Otis's vacation away from home comes to an end? I guess we'll have to stay tuned on that one. :)


Besides the frustrations of a difficult situation concerning work, I'm trying to work out some things with my Google account. I'm new to having this Google account but I think I could really like this. I need to find out some things though in order to get it all straightened out. I hope they will help me get it all worked out. There are a lot of things here to learn and understand. But, I hope in the end it will all work out well.

I really like the options available for use with a blog. Better than any I've seen so far. I'm hoping I can get things straightened out and continue on. I hope that it doesn't take too long. It's sort of frustrating trying to straighten it all out via email so I hope it's possible. :-)

Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

P.S. Thanks to google for helping me get it all straightened out so quickly! :-)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I don't even want to admit how long I've been procrastinating on this one but today I finally got my car cleaned out. The windows have been needing some attention for quite some time. I don't know why I never get to that. I guess it's because I have so much to do in the house that I never quite catch up in there. So, I never venture to the garage to do the car. I also do flower gardening in the summer and let's not forget that we need time to go swimming.

I'm still trying to figure out how to slow the weekends down and speed up the work week. I'm sure you will all be interested when I figure that one out.

I also had to go to Walmart and pick up a few things. That ended up being a good trip. I ran into an old classmate of mine and we had time to chat. It was so good to see you Nan! I am hoping we can keep in touch now. Good friends certainly are worth the effort. :-)

Hunting Season

I came home from work to find a few tree limbs lying under the tree in the back yard. The tree was being formatted with a stand for target practice. As the operation progressed, I noticed a five gallon bucket with a rope attached which ran on up over a limb by the platform. It's purpose was for arrow retrieval for the shooter. I couldn't decide whether this was pure genius or just plain redneck. I'm leaning towards the "redneck" term since I also have a herd on the wall in the front room of our home. I'm used to that, but it does scare some of our new visitors. Besides, it's better than having them shoot off the roof of the house.All joking aside, I'm thankful for all the venison throughout the years. It has definately saved us a lot of money for feeding the family. Kudos to the guys on that one! I've even gotten to the point where I "expect" someone to get a deer every year. It remains to be seen how this year's hunting will turn out. Stay tuned.

Getting Ready to Hunt

My hunters now have a new hunting stand. It is a platform stand with a camo cover. Of course, they had to modify it to suit them. It now has indoor /outdoor carpet on the platform for extra comfort and warmth in the cold weather. I have to admit, after climbing up in there, I wouldn't mind going out there sometime just to experience all that with them. I'd probably get out there and have to go to the bathroom or something though. Wouldn't that be great. LOL

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fold the Clothes Already!

This one is dedicated to my friend Joan and she will know why.

A topic recently was brought to my attention about how there is a "right way" and a "wrong way" to fold clothes. I'm the analytical type and I"m sorry but my mind went there. Where is the clothes folding rule book? Where can I buy it? Who is the author of such a book? What are the author's credentials? Can someone please tell me the address and phone number of the nearest Clothes Police Station? Are there undercover agents out there? Do you live or work with one? Is there a "Folders Anonymous" group I can join so I can straighten myself up?

What is the "right" way to fold clothes? Wouldn't that be however an individual decided to fold them? Didn't they buy the clothes and gain the right to do what they want with them? Are they really committing any crimes or hurting anyone because they fold their clothes differently?

This isn't really about the clothes. It's about how sometimes we get too caught up in the small stuff and too judgemental of others over little things. Do we need to examine the things we say to others? How are we making them feel by criticizing them? Is it really an issue or are we just making it one? Food for thought.