Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Does An Introvert Do Road Rage?

O.K., I know this is one crazy topic. I guess the thoughts came to me as I experienced my own form of "road rage" today. (Any form of road rage isn't a righteous thing.) Since I am an analytical introvert, my mind just had to go there.

I was driving to work this morning and got behind this slow moving van. I started quietly muttering my comments of disgust about this. I was saying things like "I know you might be on vacation, but I'm not, so could we hurry up already?"

I don't think it makes me any more righteous than some person who spews out profanities or offers up physical hand signals. I figure from God's point of view, a sin is a sin, an attitude an attitude and I don't think he would be proud of my attitude today.

An introvert has the same emotions and thoughts as an extrovert. They just aren't as vocal or demonstrative about it. I am constantly amazed at how God can use our everyday experiences to grow us and make us think about our actions. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm also an introvert, so I can undersand. They say it's better and healthier to be an extrovert who uses his voice to take things out.
