Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Evil is Coming Out

 There is a lot of information coming out about the evil that has been going on the whole time!  Right in front of our faces!  We were too blind and asleep to see it.  See the following link.  See the whole thing!


Now that stuff is evil!

The Constitution

For anyone who is interested....
I got my copy of the constitution from Hillsdale College.  I only had to request it and they sent it to me.  Everyone should have one handy if everything goes down digitally.  It is a pocket size.  I could carry it in my purse.  Just sayin'....

Psalm 118:24. New King James Version ... This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thank you for this day Lord!

Note:  If you search for free copies of the constitution, you will see there are other ways to get a free copy.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Coming to a Nation Near You

 News came over the airwaves tonight that Canada is being locked down and forced to take the "Jab". 

Things are getting REAL folks!  I pray for Canada.  I pray for us in the U.S. as well.  Turbulent times are surely ahead. (As if they aren't already)

Try to think positive about something everyday. It seems to help.  I was outside with my 4 yr. old Granddaughter the other day.  It was sort of windy.  We were watching the branches of the big old pine tree in our yard sway with the wind.  She said, "Grandma, look!  The tree is dancing!"  Indeed it seemed that way. Perhaps a lot of things can get better if we adjust our way of thinking.  

For me, I think God will win this fight.  I don't think it includes a win for the deep state.  Just sayin'!


Time For The Military

 I think it's time for the military to act.  The deep state has gotten by with enough crap already.  More everyday!  We don't want anymore!!!  We didn't sign up for that at all.  Didn't vote for that!  We are talking about the destruction on the United States of America here.  This it it!  If we don't act soon, all will be lost.

O.K., I hate to be all negative but each day gets harder knowing that our freedoms get taken away more every single day.  So I'll just say I think we are ready.  Combine that stuff with the lockdown.  

God Bless America and God bless the people of America!  

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Save The Little Ones

I just did a you tube video.  I am horrible at it!  LOL  Oh well!  I did it because I feel God has laid it on my heart to do so.   So after so many nudges....I said O.K.!  I'll do it.  I also did because people these days would much rather listen to something or view something than read.  To each his own!  It is what it is.  

So here it is:

Why am I doing this ?  Because what is going on with the children tears my heart apart.  People don't know.  It is HUGE!  I had no idea until just recently how bad, how evil it all really is..

I have seen documentation which was obtained by a spy that shows that the little ones are listed in files.  The files show information about "output" in percentages.  It shows what "worth" is left on each little one.  This makes me sick to my stomach and it feels like someone is throwing darts into my heart.  

What can I do?   I can share the information.  Get it out there.  People need to know.  Above all they need to guard their little ones.  

God is soon going to intervene in a lot of ways.  This is all going to be revealed soon.  I can't even believe the evilness!  I always try to believe that there are good people out there.  Well there are!  A lot of them are becoming digital soldiers for the truth.  It is a choice.  Do it or look the other way.   Free will.  One has to live with what they decide.  I pray every day that justice is done for the little ones.  

I said in my video that I would put reference material on here that people can go check out. 

Here it is?

Nicholas Viniamin, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Scott McKay, Prepping 101, Rage in the Kage, Eman WacaGator, Pinball Preparedness. 

Last but not least, (not on youtube)

Now, I think I will go work in my flower bed.  It's a healing thing for me to do.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Can't Stop That Feelin'

 I can't stop the feeling in my gut that things are going to happen soon.  I've been researching.  That is watching videos, reading etc.  It was said that something big would happen when the cherry blossoms started to bloom.  Funny...they did on Easter.  Wow!!!  People didn't expect it this soon.  God has had enough folks!  More happening every day.  I urge you to do some research and check it out.  Make sure you have preps.  Seriously!!!  

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Mask

I know there are a lot of people who seem to be scared to death of the virus.  I think it is equal to the flu since the flu seems to have disappeared.  Hhmmm.  Well, I for one don't believe that masks work.  I don't feel that because I've been healthy all winter it is a result of wearing a mask.  I believe it is because we haven't gone anywhere.  Duh!  I'm sorry for those who have died.  You do have to question why the really died.  Oh, I know the virus is real but what are the REAL numbers?  We aren't told. It's whatever goes along with the narrative of the deep state.  I know I'm ranting but I don't think I'm alone in all this thinking.  It's all food for thought.  We should not be running around like sheep who can't make our own decisions.  😡

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Mr. T

 I am so sick of what's going on in our country. I know we are not the only ones too.  Canada is having an awful time too.  The authorities went in and literally shut down a church for having services.  I'm telling you, this fight is much more than politics!  It is a war of Good VS. EVIL!  

I do hope that the Biden supporters are starting to "get it".  Even by the prophets he is referred to as Evil.  

So today he began his war against gun owners.  This is only the beginning.  They are coming for those who own guns.  They want to confiscate them all!  Why do you think that us Grandmas took the time to get a CCW?  Hhhmmm.

Our rights are being infringed upon.  This is the United States of America.  The people will only put up with so much.  Buckle up folks!

Monday, April 5, 2021


 April 5, 2021

I got a call today about my brother who now lives in a nursing facility.  He had somehow fallen out of his chair while eating breakfast which resulted in at least a head injury.  After 2 CT scans which cleared both the head and the pelvic areas, he was declared O.K. and was discharged back to the facility.  

I can't help it, I cried about it.  The guy can't catch a break, including being moved in there in the middle of a pandemic.  Will things ever get better?  Not for him I'm afraid. :(