Sunday, August 22, 2021


Apparently, we still need 15-20% more people to wake up about what is going on in order for this mess with the government to be handled without a civil war.  So why aren't they waking up?  Not enough pain yet?  PAIN INCOMING FOLKS!  

They are going to keep taking more and more freedoms away until ya all get it!  We are not going to have any freedoms left it this keeps up!  

If you have ever gone to a county fair and watched a sheep show, you will understand this:

The process to train a lamb for show begins gradually.  When the lamb is young, the owner trains it to stand with it's feet in a certain position that will benefit the exhibiter while in front of a judge.  The lamb is led around in practice to get it trained to be led around a show ring.  A well trained lamb can be led around a show ring with very little effort once it is trained.  It is also then easy to "set the lamb up" with it's feet in a proper show position.  

Have Americans become like sheep?  Easy to handle and be led to do whatever the government desires?  Hence the term "Sheeple".  

People need to make their opinions known and stand up for what they believe.  Do I mean get violent?  NO!  I mean make your voice heard!  If people don't come out of their habitual ruts and start to care and take notice, it will be too late for America!  I am simply trying to make folks aware!!  

There is a lot of controversy over the "jab".  People must make their opinions known!  Otherwise, some are going to be forced into doing the bidding of government and have no choices left!  

This is how I'm trying to raise awareness!  What method will you use?  Get involved at some level even if it's posting an opinion on social media!  

That is my rant for the day!

Have a great day!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

What Is Wrong With People?

What is happening in the job market right now?  Everywhere I go I see help wanted signs!
Today, I went to the local Dollar General to pick up a few items.  There was one sign that said help wanted because a gal had posted that she was quitting to follow her dream of not having a job.  Another sign said "No Cash Back".  Turns out it was because she was working by herself on a Saturday for goodness sakes!  

Well, I had to ask what in the world was going on!  The gal told me that the manager was the one who put up the quitting sign and they were both quitting.  Apparently both she and the manager frequently had to handle the store by themselves.  Not a good thing!!!  They were both fed up!  She said they would get someone through the hiring process, they would work a day and quit!  Nobody wants to work!!!!  Has the government made it into such a socialistic situation that people want to sit back and just be lazy and not make their way in the world?

I can remember when I graduated high school I couldn't wait to go out there and find a job!  I was one of four kids and I knew how it was for my parents scraping to get by.  I wanted to help support myself!  Actually, it makes me kind of angry!

Where did it all go wrong???  

Food for thought today!