Sunday, November 21, 2021


Our precious new granddaughter is home and doing well.  She now weighs over 7 lbs. so all is going well with her!  

As far as life goes....things are still really crazy.  The other son and daughter-in-law had Covid and have recovered well.  The children are fine too.  Yay!!!

The government seems to be making a bad movie right now!  :(  Stay tuned for more insanity!  How else could you possibly describe it?  More later.....

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Life Goes On

I think people would agree that a lot of negative things have been happening!  However, at our house we have been blessed beyond measure.  Our son and daughter-in-law have brought a most precious little girl into our family.  She is now a month old and she still isn't supposed to be here yet.  Her arrival date was supposed to be Nov. 11th. Our unbiased opinion is that she is beautiful and perfect and certainly came at a time when there is much worry in the country of what will happen with the virus situation.  Joy in the midst of chaos.  Just what we needed!  We pray she continues to progress in the positive direction she is currently going.  It is a reminder of how much our other two granddaughters mean to us as well.  I feel so blessed! 

As far as the condition of our country....I believe God has given voices to many digital soldiers who are making a huge difference to those who follow their voices during this mess.  We all need to consult God on our choices right now and not give in to panic or fear.  

Stay tuned for what tomorrow brings!  Have a great Sunday and I pray that any anxiety that you have today is taken away.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


So what in the world has been going on lately?  Isn't that a loaded question?  Well let's see...
The censorship on social media is beyond terrible!!  I am currently banned from Face Book for 24 hours.  It's a noble club!  All I did was share a video I had seen on Telegram.  It pertained to current events. I managed to get myself in Telegram jail as well.  This coming from a 62 year old introvert Grandma!  Go figure!

My son and daughter-in-law came down with the virus at the same time.  This also meant we had to stay away from them and our darling granddaughters for a period of time.  It just so happened that our other son and daughter-in-law had their baby prematurely.  She wasn't due until Nov. 11.  She was 7 weeks early.  This also meant we couldn't go see the newborn right away due to being exposed to the virus.  So we had to wait on that and haven't seen the 2 grands that live next door because of the virus.  Yikes!  This has been a very stressful time for us all  We are thankful that things are going well for Callie (the newborn) and the other 2 girls seem to be O.K.  It's a very hard thing for me not to be able to jump in there and help when people might need me.  :(

Things in the country are escalating and not in a good way.  I don't have to tell anyone that.  EVERYONE knows it!  I find myself close to tears sometimes!  What is normal anymore?

Stay tuned....not a dull world!

Saturday, October 2, 2021

When The Lights Go Out, by David Rodriguez

I just finished reading this book!  This is not the type of book I would normally read.  I am glad that I read it!  It is an excellent read!  I cannot imagine going through what David went through!  I had to come out of my "bubble" for this one!  

It is full of passion.  It is told how David tells everything.  He puts it out there!   He brings a lot of awareness to bullying.  I was so glad to find out he is now trying to help kids with this issue.  

This book gets 5 stars!  It did not disappoint!  

  Note:  I do not personally know this author.  I do listen to his podcasts on You Tube.  

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Grocery

Today is my grocery day.  Some things are stocked very well here in Ohio.  Some things are looking a little scant.  I have been stocking up and hope I won't need it!  I think it will be the opposite result though.  I do realize that the best we can do is to stay positive.  That's not always easy.  

Just thought I would jump on here and give a grocery update!  Please, get things that you normally use stocked up.  It has been mentioned that paper products will take a hit again. Get yours! 

Peace and have a good day!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Re: The Kid By The Side Of The Road


I've read this book and I think EVERYONE should read it!  I would definitely give it ***** five stars!

I listen to Juan whenever I catch him on a podcast.  He certainly can get you all stirred up!  I admit, the last time I heard him, I had to take deep breaths and get the old blood pressure under control.  We are all getting totally frustrated and it can be hard to hang in there, but I know in the end, it will be worth it!!  

Anyway....give it a read!  

By the way.....I don't personally know the author but I promote what I think is good!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Silent No More

We cannot afford to be silent on the issues we are facing today!  If you choose to be silent you may be sorry when it's too late to change your mind!  

I made my choice about the jab already.  I say no.  I did this after I did a lot of research!
The fact that they are trying to make it so we don't have a choice is wrong!!  No matter what you decide folks, it should be YOUR choice!!  So many are just going along with what one person or the MSM tells them without checking out the other side of it.  

Stop!!  Look around on alternative news!  Above all...LISTEN!    For your own good people!
I don't want to see anything happen to any of you out there.  Your rights are slowly being taken away from you.  So slow over time that you have hardly noticed.  Coming to a town near will no longer get to decide your fate!  

Wake up!

Sunday, August 22, 2021


Apparently, we still need 15-20% more people to wake up about what is going on in order for this mess with the government to be handled without a civil war.  So why aren't they waking up?  Not enough pain yet?  PAIN INCOMING FOLKS!  

They are going to keep taking more and more freedoms away until ya all get it!  We are not going to have any freedoms left it this keeps up!  

If you have ever gone to a county fair and watched a sheep show, you will understand this:

The process to train a lamb for show begins gradually.  When the lamb is young, the owner trains it to stand with it's feet in a certain position that will benefit the exhibiter while in front of a judge.  The lamb is led around in practice to get it trained to be led around a show ring.  A well trained lamb can be led around a show ring with very little effort once it is trained.  It is also then easy to "set the lamb up" with it's feet in a proper show position.  

Have Americans become like sheep?  Easy to handle and be led to do whatever the government desires?  Hence the term "Sheeple".  

People need to make their opinions known and stand up for what they believe.  Do I mean get violent?  NO!  I mean make your voice heard!  If people don't come out of their habitual ruts and start to care and take notice, it will be too late for America!  I am simply trying to make folks aware!!  

There is a lot of controversy over the "jab".  People must make their opinions known!  Otherwise, some are going to be forced into doing the bidding of government and have no choices left!  

This is how I'm trying to raise awareness!  What method will you use?  Get involved at some level even if it's posting an opinion on social media!  

That is my rant for the day!

Have a great day!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

What Is Wrong With People?

What is happening in the job market right now?  Everywhere I go I see help wanted signs!
Today, I went to the local Dollar General to pick up a few items.  There was one sign that said help wanted because a gal had posted that she was quitting to follow her dream of not having a job.  Another sign said "No Cash Back".  Turns out it was because she was working by herself on a Saturday for goodness sakes!  

Well, I had to ask what in the world was going on!  The gal told me that the manager was the one who put up the quitting sign and they were both quitting.  Apparently both she and the manager frequently had to handle the store by themselves.  Not a good thing!!!  They were both fed up!  She said they would get someone through the hiring process, they would work a day and quit!  Nobody wants to work!!!!  Has the government made it into such a socialistic situation that people want to sit back and just be lazy and not make their way in the world?

I can remember when I graduated high school I couldn't wait to go out there and find a job!  I was one of four kids and I knew how it was for my parents scraping to get by.  I wanted to help support myself!  Actually, it makes me kind of angry!

Where did it all go wrong???  

Food for thought today!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

An E Bond of My Birth Certificate

 Here's what happened:  I saw a podcast on you tube about how when we are born, we are issued a number on our birth certificate.    Then, the government creates an E Bond in our name.  Huh?  

So...I looked it up and guess what?  SURE ENOUGH!  There is an E Bond under my birth name listed. It is showing that it has matured.  Unbelievable!!!  I'm still trying to figure out whether or not I can gain access to it.  I've been all over that website trying to figure out the story.  If anyone else has information, please share with the world!!  

It is a disgrace that we were all used in this manner!!!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Lots Happening Still

There is still a lot happening out there folks!  We are hearing more everyday about the destruction in tunnels where the child trafficking is occurring.  From what I've heard, there is still a major  area to be worked on out there.  We are all waiting, not so patiently anymore for this all to come about.  It has to be done right, this is our chance for a better world.  Hold the line!!!!  Nothing can stop what is coming.  We just have to hang in there!  We win!  God Wins!   Things will get hard for a bit but then it's going to be such a better world!!!!!  Hang in there!!!

Prepping 101 can be seen on his back up channel tonight.  You Tube is at it again!!  Censoring is out of control!  Here's the link:

Friday, May 14, 2021

Information or Disinformation?

There is a lot of information out there these days.  To believe or not to believe?  Why put disinformation out there?  Just think about that for a moment.  We happen to be in a war.  A digital war.  What is the art of war?  What is included?  Hmmm.  Of course!  Disinformation is included in a digital war.  

I can usually tell I've definitely got something when Facebook doesn't want it shared.  There is a lot of that going on!  

The newest source I've been watching is "Restored Republic".  I do believe there is a lot of information in those videos.  Check them out!

Stay ready folks!

Share what you think is truth!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Shall we play a game?

 Anyone who has been reading these posts knows that I've been digging around for information.  Finally, last night I received some.  The information found in the link below blew my mind!  This individual has been digging around with his detective shovel for a while it seems.  He has taken much time to put it all together and connect the dots.  Have a look!

Go to Rumble.  The name of the channel is:

Majic Eyes Qnly

Wow...just WOW!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Evil is Coming Out

 There is a lot of information coming out about the evil that has been going on the whole time!  Right in front of our faces!  We were too blind and asleep to see it.  See the following link.  See the whole thing!


Now that stuff is evil!

The Constitution

For anyone who is interested....
I got my copy of the constitution from Hillsdale College.  I only had to request it and they sent it to me.  Everyone should have one handy if everything goes down digitally.  It is a pocket size.  I could carry it in my purse.  Just sayin'....

Psalm 118:24. New King James Version ... This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thank you for this day Lord!

Note:  If you search for free copies of the constitution, you will see there are other ways to get a free copy.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Coming to a Nation Near You

 News came over the airwaves tonight that Canada is being locked down and forced to take the "Jab". 

Things are getting REAL folks!  I pray for Canada.  I pray for us in the U.S. as well.  Turbulent times are surely ahead. (As if they aren't already)

Try to think positive about something everyday. It seems to help.  I was outside with my 4 yr. old Granddaughter the other day.  It was sort of windy.  We were watching the branches of the big old pine tree in our yard sway with the wind.  She said, "Grandma, look!  The tree is dancing!"  Indeed it seemed that way. Perhaps a lot of things can get better if we adjust our way of thinking.  

For me, I think God will win this fight.  I don't think it includes a win for the deep state.  Just sayin'!


Time For The Military

 I think it's time for the military to act.  The deep state has gotten by with enough crap already.  More everyday!  We don't want anymore!!!  We didn't sign up for that at all.  Didn't vote for that!  We are talking about the destruction on the United States of America here.  This it it!  If we don't act soon, all will be lost.

O.K., I hate to be all negative but each day gets harder knowing that our freedoms get taken away more every single day.  So I'll just say I think we are ready.  Combine that stuff with the lockdown.  

God Bless America and God bless the people of America!  

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Save The Little Ones

I just did a you tube video.  I am horrible at it!  LOL  Oh well!  I did it because I feel God has laid it on my heart to do so.   So after so many nudges....I said O.K.!  I'll do it.  I also did because people these days would much rather listen to something or view something than read.  To each his own!  It is what it is.  

So here it is:

Why am I doing this ?  Because what is going on with the children tears my heart apart.  People don't know.  It is HUGE!  I had no idea until just recently how bad, how evil it all really is..

I have seen documentation which was obtained by a spy that shows that the little ones are listed in files.  The files show information about "output" in percentages.  It shows what "worth" is left on each little one.  This makes me sick to my stomach and it feels like someone is throwing darts into my heart.  

What can I do?   I can share the information.  Get it out there.  People need to know.  Above all they need to guard their little ones.  

God is soon going to intervene in a lot of ways.  This is all going to be revealed soon.  I can't even believe the evilness!  I always try to believe that there are good people out there.  Well there are!  A lot of them are becoming digital soldiers for the truth.  It is a choice.  Do it or look the other way.   Free will.  One has to live with what they decide.  I pray every day that justice is done for the little ones.  

I said in my video that I would put reference material on here that people can go check out. 

Here it is?

Nicholas Viniamin, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Scott McKay, Prepping 101, Rage in the Kage, Eman WacaGator, Pinball Preparedness. 

Last but not least, (not on youtube)

Now, I think I will go work in my flower bed.  It's a healing thing for me to do.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Can't Stop That Feelin'

 I can't stop the feeling in my gut that things are going to happen soon.  I've been researching.  That is watching videos, reading etc.  It was said that something big would happen when the cherry blossoms started to bloom.  Funny...they did on Easter.  Wow!!!  People didn't expect it this soon.  God has had enough folks!  More happening every day.  I urge you to do some research and check it out.  Make sure you have preps.  Seriously!!!  

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Mask

I know there are a lot of people who seem to be scared to death of the virus.  I think it is equal to the flu since the flu seems to have disappeared.  Hhmmm.  Well, I for one don't believe that masks work.  I don't feel that because I've been healthy all winter it is a result of wearing a mask.  I believe it is because we haven't gone anywhere.  Duh!  I'm sorry for those who have died.  You do have to question why the really died.  Oh, I know the virus is real but what are the REAL numbers?  We aren't told. It's whatever goes along with the narrative of the deep state.  I know I'm ranting but I don't think I'm alone in all this thinking.  It's all food for thought.  We should not be running around like sheep who can't make our own decisions.  😡

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Mr. T

 I am so sick of what's going on in our country. I know we are not the only ones too.  Canada is having an awful time too.  The authorities went in and literally shut down a church for having services.  I'm telling you, this fight is much more than politics!  It is a war of Good VS. EVIL!  

I do hope that the Biden supporters are starting to "get it".  Even by the prophets he is referred to as Evil.  

So today he began his war against gun owners.  This is only the beginning.  They are coming for those who own guns.  They want to confiscate them all!  Why do you think that us Grandmas took the time to get a CCW?  Hhhmmm.

Our rights are being infringed upon.  This is the United States of America.  The people will only put up with so much.  Buckle up folks!

Monday, April 5, 2021


 April 5, 2021

I got a call today about my brother who now lives in a nursing facility.  He had somehow fallen out of his chair while eating breakfast which resulted in at least a head injury.  After 2 CT scans which cleared both the head and the pelvic areas, he was declared O.K. and was discharged back to the facility.  

I can't help it, I cried about it.  The guy can't catch a break, including being moved in there in the middle of a pandemic.  Will things ever get better?  Not for him I'm afraid. :(

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Find Something to Laugh About

Today we went to breakfast at our usual little family restaurant.  There was a couple sitting in the booth next to us.  We heard the man say that when he died he was going to be cremated and have his ashes applied to the next outgoing manure load!  Oh my!!!  Me, being the person that I am lost it!  I was laughing as quietly as I could muster.  He proceeded to state that why would he want to be buried beside two other people that didn't like him.  It all just struck me as a funny thing to say!  At that moment it was just so funny!!!

After I thought about it later, I realized that the guy was serious and it's kind of sad.  I don't know what his story was but I'm sure it is a doozy!! 

The other day I washed my hair and got water in my ear.  I went all day yesterday putting up with it and gaining a huge sympathy for those who have hearing problems.  My husband offered to put drops in my ear.  We have a special product we bought for that a while back.  I told him that I believed we had a couple of different kinds.  As we foraged in the cabinet for what we could find, I found one of the boxes.  It said on the front that it was "easy to use'.  I said well that must be it!  I started laughing at myself and what I had just said.  I just insinuated that because it was easy it would of course be the one I would choose.  LOL  

I don't know folks, maybe my system was just in need of laughter with everything that is going on in the world!  

Please...see if you can find laughter in your days!   😂

Sunday, February 21, 2021


Last night I watched a video interview with Tim Ballard.  He is involved with rescuing children from trafficking.  The information he revealed is horrible!  When I think of how safe we were as kids growing up...

These kids are horribly abused and sex trafficked.  It's absolutely disgusting how these monster criminals act.  Of course, he didn't get into too many details for which I am thankful.  I am a Mom and a Grandmother and it's like throwing daggers into my heart to learn of such things.  But, it is important not to look the other way and pretend that it is not happening right here in the United States.  

Then, I watched a short video rant from a gal in Texas.  Apparently they are not getting the help they need there.  Where is the government assistance they need?  Where's Biden?  Where is the National Guard and other military?????  Really?  More can't be done?  I don't believe that I'm sorry.  

The overall picture here in the US is not looking good right now.

Oh...and it's too late for Private West and Central Bank!!!!!  It is a FAIL!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Is It Castle Rock?

It has been said that the scenes of Biden signing things in the Oval Office is none other than the movie set at Castle Rock Studios.  The Valentines Day scene was seen by all.  I've never been to D.C. but am curious about the building shown in the background that is red.  There is a lot so far that is so strange.  Absolutely every little detail that seems off has been noticed by people.  

That being said, there are things being said by prophets that don't coincide with what is shown to be going on in D.C.  The snow has been prophesized as being a cleansing of the earth.  All along, we have heard that God is angry in particular about the sin that has occurred concerning the children.  Anyone who has any sympathy for the children would hope that God IS angry about it.  I feel it is not a coincidence that so many have been rescued which is wonderful news!  

Most of this is food for thought.  See, I'm just throwing some of this out there because it causes one to really think!  We have been mislead in this country by so many corrupt politicians that we don't always feel we know which end is up.  But....some things we DO know.  HHmmmm.   👀

Saturday, February 13, 2021

What is it?

I have heard a lot on the internet about NESARA.  What is it?
Well, according to Wikipedia it is:  the National Economic Security and Recovery Act.  It was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Bernard.

Bernard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency which result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced.  

Why is this being broadcast now?   HHmmmmm

Did the corporation of the United States go bankrupt?  I have heard yes.  Did you know it was a corporation?  Since the 1800s?

Are we being told everything?

Do your own research.  Just saying'.   The world is a crazy place right now. 

Is it too late?

 There is a lot being said about whether or not it is too late for anything to happen. Well, there ARE things happening every day with all of it.  But it does make you wonder since we are half way through Feb.  Is it all conspiracy?  Were all the prophets wrong?  Something in my gut tells me all this is happening to wake people up.  I just saw a post by a woman who had to buy insulin for her son.  Under Trump, the price had come down to the 60's to buy it for a month.  Under Biden, it has gone up to $500.00.  Luckily for her, she had a coupon that brought it down to $300.00.  Luckily?????

Buckle up!!!  This isn't over!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Are we awake yet?

We are living in crazy times, at least for me.  

 When you say the word "corruption" in America, where do you even start? Lord, forgive me because I didn't know. So many of us didn't.  Some still don't.  We have been so wrapped up in our immediate lives.  That is, working, being parents or grandparents and paying the bills.  

The election is a huge thing.  What happened to us as Americans is inexcusable.  Through this whole journey, we have been enlightened about many things that were being hidden from us.  Think about this topic:  CHILDREN.  My heart hurts for them as I continue to find out more and more.  The fact that it has all been going on for a very long time makes it all even worse.  

CHILDREN.  Many have been rescued, thank God.  Thank God for the people rescuing them.  

God. The nation needs to get back to God. Repentance.  

I have recently been watching several podcasts and I've learned a lot.  One is the "X22 Report".  The other major one is "Prepping 101".  They are very different from each other.  "X22" is more informative. "Prepping 101" is also informative but also is a community of concerned, loving citizens.  They support one another in their exploration and learning.  "Prepping 101" has spurred me to find more out on my own.  I am digging through as much information as I can.  I have found out so many things that I don't really want to know.  But, it is necessary to be informed.  

Our freedoms are slowly being taken away.  We all need to wake up about it all!  America needs justice!  The world needs justice!  The time is now.  Evil has to be stopped.  It has to be identified.  There are good people out there standing up for us and we need to get behind them.  

Thoughts and prayers for America!  Take care and God bless America!


Monday, February 1, 2021

Information is shocking the world.

There is so much information coming out right now and it is so overwhelming it is like getting punched in the stomach.  I believe one can only take so much of it at one time.  It makes one wonder if there is any good people in the government.  Very scary indeed!  I hope with all my heart that God intervenes in all this!  That would be our only hope.  What really floors me is that this has all happened in the United States.  So sad.  

I watched a documentary today that I happened onto on YouTube.  It was about the "dying rooms" in China.  Oh my God!  This is horrible.  Even with all the incredible corruption here, we are still blessed by God here.  So heartbreaking!  I pray to God this changes for China.  I should add that the "dying rooms" I talk about is all about children.  Unwanted children.  Mostly girls.  

Saturday, January 16, 2021

What next?

Well, I have to say that there is a wondering among people as to what is the next thing coming.  It is like everyone is a little tense with a feeling of waiting for the shoe to fall.  
I definitely think that it is not all over.  There is more to come and it will come before or on the 20th of January.  I have my gut feeling that it is going to be major.  There are all kinds of speculations going on out there.  Who will be right?????

Friday, January 15, 2021


Where to start!  I guess with what I saw/heard yesterday.  Of course I had heard things like everyone else but didn't know how bad it really was or how widespread among certain classes of people.  

I saw a podcast yesterday which exposed what has been happening to children.  I could not even watch/listen to it all because I literally felt sick to my stomach.  It involves many of the so called Elite Class in our nation.  Think Epstein. Think Hollywood.  Think politicians.  Think witchcraft.  

It was stated by a witness to one of these occasions that this person saw a child be tortured (in ways I can't even imagine) and then the child was eaten when it was over.  This is Satan.  This is EVIL!  It makes me sick.  

You probably think why don't they just release everything at once?  It has occurred to me that we really probably couldn't fathom all the evil things all at once.  
Everything is to be revealed very soon!  There is a special place in hell for these individuals!

I believe God is very angry!

Watch What You Say

I think we should be very careful what we say to children.  The mean, hateful things that are said to them by parents or loved ones when they are small will stay with them forever.  How do I know this?  First hand experience of course.  There are things that were said to me from the very people I respected most that still haunt me today.  Oh, I have forgiven them but they have left a permanent scar where the dagger went into my soul.  Think kids are resilient?  They most definitely are!  That doesn't mean they don't have memories.  That experience will stay with them until they die.  Think about it. Do you remember things from your childhood?  Do you think you remember only the good things?  Of course not!  We must let anger cool before addressing an issue.  Just sayin'.  Food for thought!   

On another note...things that are coming out about children and what has been happening to them is going to be another post.  As usual....stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

News! Good or Bad?

During this time, when anything and everything is being posted on the internet, we have to discern for ourselves what we believe is true or not.  It is not wise to believe EVERYTHING you hear or read.  I have found that I seem to take out for myself what is true out of each thing I see or read.  It is tough to decide sometimes.  I do believe that President Trump will remain in the oval office.  Time will tell.  There are some arrests being made now as I write this post.  Some of the things that are happening are truly amazing and some not in a good way. I have the advantage of being at home where I can do my own research and figure it out for myself.  Stay well and be prepared!  Remember:  Optics are important in any operation that is going on in the political realm.   Some things will end up being a wait and see conclusion.  Everyone stay safe and healthy!  Have a good day!

Monday, January 11, 2021

What in the world is going on? Answers coming.

If you really want to know what's going on get your popcorn ready and do some listening homework!  Here you go:

x22report on Rumble

Kimvan67 on Rumble (This is gonna blow you away!)

Sunday, January 10, 2021

What's out there?

 So word on the Internet is that the President of Italy was arrested.  Austria blacked out.  Over 7000 troops surrounding the DC area.  Another report was that Pelosi was arrested at the border. Wow!!!  What is going on????  Be ready for 5 days of no cash, credit card or internet.  Vatican raided. Shots heard.  Arrests made. Yikes!  Quebec under lockdown tonight to keep people safe.  Italy on lockdown.  Pakistan blackout.  Live cam for Paris offline.  Camera shut off at Vatican.

SEE:  "Cash Kelly the Streetlight" on YouTube.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

God is not finished

I do believe God is not finished with what he is going to do to the Democratic party.  Jesus Christ is Lord and God will have the final say.  Stay tuned!

2020 Election

 First of all, I should establish that I am a Trump supporter.  That being said, it's time to tell what the problem really is right now.  The problem is not that the party lost the election.  It is the FRAUD that occurred.  It is the fact that everyone is supposed to just go on with life as if it never happened.  What would have happened if this had happened to the Democrats?  I don't think I have to tell you all that. we are with the Democrats saying they want to unite the country!  Really?  After all the monumental cheating that happened?  Now, our voices are being censored on social media platforms.  Way to go unification!!!!    All this has divided us all even further.  I understand what happened on Jan. 6th should not have happened. There were Trump supporters trying to stop the Antifa thugs from causing the damage.  There is a lot that doesn't sound right about the situation and everyone has noticed this fact.  Yes, people are angry now. Not because we lost, we could except that if it were legally done.  IT WAS NOT!  

So, will the social platforms prosper by losing over 70 million subscribers clicking away on their platforms?  I guess we will wait and see. 😐

Next, President Trump did not encourage any violence.  Just stating facts here.