Saturday, February 6, 2021

Are we awake yet?

We are living in crazy times, at least for me.  

 When you say the word "corruption" in America, where do you even start? Lord, forgive me because I didn't know. So many of us didn't.  Some still don't.  We have been so wrapped up in our immediate lives.  That is, working, being parents or grandparents and paying the bills.  

The election is a huge thing.  What happened to us as Americans is inexcusable.  Through this whole journey, we have been enlightened about many things that were being hidden from us.  Think about this topic:  CHILDREN.  My heart hurts for them as I continue to find out more and more.  The fact that it has all been going on for a very long time makes it all even worse.  

CHILDREN.  Many have been rescued, thank God.  Thank God for the people rescuing them.  

God. The nation needs to get back to God. Repentance.  

I have recently been watching several podcasts and I've learned a lot.  One is the "X22 Report".  The other major one is "Prepping 101".  They are very different from each other.  "X22" is more informative. "Prepping 101" is also informative but also is a community of concerned, loving citizens.  They support one another in their exploration and learning.  "Prepping 101" has spurred me to find more out on my own.  I am digging through as much information as I can.  I have found out so many things that I don't really want to know.  But, it is necessary to be informed.  

Our freedoms are slowly being taken away.  We all need to wake up about it all!  America needs justice!  The world needs justice!  The time is now.  Evil has to be stopped.  It has to be identified.  There are good people out there standing up for us and we need to get behind them.  

Thoughts and prayers for America!  Take care and God bless America!


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