Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monday at the Park

There it was....Monday again.  Not my favorite day of the week and sometimes I have a mood that reflects it.  I do try to deal with it in a positive way though.  My lunchtime came and I thought I would head on out to the park, find a shade tree and just "chill out".  Thought I might read a bit of the novel I brought along. 


I was sitting there eating and I heard this squawking noise right outside my open car window.  I glanced over to see a big goose standing there squawking at me with it's beady little eyes locked onto my granola bar.  HHmmmm  what to do?

Plan A was that I could start my car and move to a new spot but I wasn't giving up my prime spot in the shade.  Plan B was that I could throw the thing some crumbs in hopes of shutting it up.  This thought came to mind right before I glanced up at the park sign that said "Do Not Feed The Animals".  A police cruiser was parked nearby so I chucked that thought.  Plan C was that I could just choke the thing for being that way!  This thought was squashed by thoughts of headlines that would read :

Woman In Park Chokes Goose!

I finally decided on Plan D which was to simply try to ignore the goose, eat my lunch, read my novel and it would go away on it's own.  Well, that didn't happen.  Up until the time I left, the goose continued to squawk and stare.  When I drove away, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw it standing there, presumably waiting on it's next victim.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This is the most recent member of our household.  Her name is Mya.  She has been here for about a year now.  She knows everyone loves her and she is one spoiled dog.  She is getting really big now and the trouble is, she still thinks it's a good thing to make a running jump for my lap.  I have to prepare myself for that!  She thinks she should eat when we do.  She gets a lot of attention from all of us.  She does, however, mope around when her owners leave the house even though she is left with "Grandma and Grandpa".  LOL

When Tony and Whitney leave the house, she starts looking out the window for their return, as if to say "Grandma, when are they coming back?"  You can see that she is too big to be a lap dog.  It's just that no one told her.  LOL

Sunday, July 10, 2011

So How'd You Start YOUR Summer?

On June 4th, I fell coming off of a 2-step stool at work. Yes, it was just a little step stool. I got my foot caught and didn't have time to catch myself. The end result was a broken nose, 8 stitches in my upper lip, a broken bone directly under my nose and a bruise on my left knee. (This happened to be the knee I had already had 2 shots in from having fluid on it.)
The upside is that my nose was not dislocated and I didn't have to have surgery. I am however, going to have a root canal that is associated with an injury to one of my front teeth associated with the fall. That's this coming Wednesday. Yikes! So....I try to remember that God has blessed me in that it could have all turned out a lot worse. Gotta think positive here...
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It Just Kept Getting Worse

I had one of those days today that at the end of work, I just wanted to get home. I decided I had two short stops to make and I could be on my way. The 1st stop was to get gas. None of my cards would read on the pump. After several attempts, I decided to move the car and try another pump. Low and behold, the 2nd pump worked! So, I'm finally on my way to Walmart. All I needed were razor blades and facial tissues. I could handle that and then get on home where I was sure my day would improve. I got the razor blades O.K. but when it came to the tissues, I had an issue. I had a bystander that was paying close attention to my actions at this point in time. I noticed that the tissues that I wanted were sold out except for a couple of boxes way in the back on the bottom shelf. The only way I was going to get to them was to crawl back in there. "For Pete's sake!", I said. "The only way I'm going to get those is if I crawl in there!". My observer said, "Mam, you gotta do what you gotta do". The he laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with him because I really did feel like crying by then.....
Well, I end up with the tissues and thought I would make my escape from Wally World. Not so fast sister! I ran into a customer from work. He chit chatted with me for a minute, then told me as I was ready to scurry off..."Do me a favor, would you?" (I'm thinking it must have to do with work so I said, "sure". He says "If what you've got going on doesn't work out, could you give me a call?" (He is not speaking of employment, but my personal life.) LOL..at this point, I surrender my attempt at a better day. This is the point I just start looking forward to bedtime so I can start over the next day. It's got to get better.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Roaring 20's

The "Advantage50" event for the bank is over for another year. It is a reception for a club consisting of bank customers that meet a certain criteria. They travel to different places during the year and attend different events that have been planned for them. The reception is one of those events. The theme was the "Roaring 20's". Lots of us were dressed for the occasion. I can't believe people used to dress like that. I also cannot believe how long it took to get all that "getup" on today. People really did take a lot of time to get ready to go somewhere didn't they? The hairstyles back then were also a hoot. Of course, some of the ones of my life have been as well. LOL I'm sure my children will testify to that. I can't help but wonder what next year's theme will be. Stay tuned.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bad Mood?

I think this week should have been labled "Bad Disposition Week". I witnessed so many bad moods because of the weather and the problems it has caused. Granted, anyone who was anywhere near a tornado has my utmost sympathy. A lot of folks are upset because it has rained so much that they cannot mow their grass and it's getting out of hand. Some folks are just tired of the weather and need sunshine. It is true, when the sun shines the outlooks seem much better. Now, add the fact that it's also the end of the month and a very busy time for my workplace and you have it! BAD DISPOSITION WEEK. lol...We will all get through it though...until next time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

If it rains anymore, I may need a boat to get to work. We need sunshine! It just improves the dispositions of many when we get it! Everyone is tired of the rain, not to mention the farmers can't get the crops in right now. Who knows how long it will take once it stops before they can get in the fields. Everyone that comes in at work talks about the rain. It is bothering EVERYONE.

This has been a busy week so far and it will continue on into the weekend non-stop. Only, this weekend we will be going back in time for a bit. We have a work related event in which we will have to dress as one did in the "Roaring 20's". THIS is going to be good! By the time that event is over, it will be time to think about returning to work on Monday. Yikes! Another week will be gone. Crazy....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We all keep hangin' in there!

I will be off to a "morning" meeting once again tomorrow. Getting up an hour earlier to do so. Some things you do because you have to I guess. Life goes by so fast when for the most part one works 6 days a week. During the time off, try to fit in all doctor appointments, hair appointments, grocery shopping, church and family life. (Let's not forget the housework.) Let's not forget all the social functions we must do. Bridal showers, weddings, graduations and the like are included. Sometimes, even work is connected to social functions. Sometimes you just want to "stop the train" for a while and rest. Get off the merry-go-round. Vanish for just a bit. Sounds good to me. Wouldn't it be nice to "delegate" our responsibilities to some other honored person for an unspecified amount of time? LOL...and life goes on.

Friday, April 22, 2011

More ground gears- Ugh!

I was reflecting on a conversation with someone on "magazines". I love to read but never much liked magazines. I had to analyze that for a minute before it came to me. It annoys me to see the words "continued on page_". Now WHY is it necessary to split the story up and have one bouncing all around the magazine just to read the thing? Why can't they just let one read the story on consecutive pages and put all the advertisements in between the stories for crying out loud. Really! LOL...Oh well there's always the book to fall back on.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I titled this "Really?" because when I observe some things in life, that's what I think. I observe a lot of things (even though those around me may think I don't). Just a couple of things lately that made me think (REALLY?).

First, I observed this very wealthy lady trying to get government assistance for a medicine she has to take. It's not that she can't pay for it, she just doesn't want to so she is filling out the paperwork. REALLY?

Then, there is this other person who has been on unemployment for at least a couple of years now. They dutifully report that they keep looking for a job but can't find one. In reality, they have passed up opportunities because they didn't think that it would go along with the "time off" they wanted. So, they keep sucking up the unemployment. REALLY?

I know that the Lord doesn't want us to judge others so this is a struggle for me to see and hear things of this nature take place. "Grinds my gears" so to speak.

More of this kind of thing goes on and most of us are oblivious to it all or simply don't want to know. There are a lot of people out there looking for jobs who really want them and are very worried about their unemployment running out. They aren't just sucking the system, they truly haven't been able to find anything. There are also people who really NEED assistance with their medical expenses who are not trying to abuse the system.

Now I understand what my elders meant when they would say "What's this world coming to?"

Monday, March 21, 2011

My new phone

I recently got a new phone that has a slide out keyboard for texting and such. Well, I find that I'm the entertainment for my children now. It's fun for them to see me try and figure the thing out since my other phone was very basic. I thought it was funny that when your kids are growing up, you laugh at them sometimes when you watch them try and figure some things out for themselves. Now...as you age the tables turn and your adult children are laughing at you as they watch you struggle with new technology. I think I have figured out the phone but I did have to spend a little time at it. It's all "change" and that's not easy for some of us for some reason. I'm a good sport though, and I tell them I'm just here for their entertainment. Some day their children will be laughing at them too. LOL

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Amazon Kindle

I was asked around Christmas whether or not I would like to have a Kindle. I had read about them and knew what they were but wasn't at all sure I would like not holding an actual book with pages to turn in my hands.

I had gotten a coat for Christmas that didn't fit. We returned it and since I had received yet another coat for Christmas, I decided not to replace it. I had just about enough money from the return to consider the Kindle. I got brave and ordered the darn thing! LOL.

Turns out, I LOVE it! It has been so much fun browsing the Amazon Kindle store for books at either a much cheaper price than an actual book or even for free! I would reccomend it to anyone who likes to read and is on the fence about getting one.

I have just totally enjoyed it! (I acutally might have been on here more if I hadn't gotten one. LOL..I've been busy reading.)

Anyway, if you are wondering if it is a good thing, I say "Go for it!"

Ups and downs

Well...what can I say? It's been a while since I've been here doing one of the things I like to do best. Life has been so crazy that I've been overwhelmed and couldn't add one more thing to my days it seems.

Both my sons have had health issues. Need I say what that does to the Mom? Even though I know they are safely in the arms of God, being the human that I am, I worry.

It seemed like the job change I made from office assistant to Customer Service Rep. was an adjustment that took all the energy and focus I had for a while. Is it a good thing that my friend insomnia is back? (Isn't there some song about that? If you are a reader and know the answer to that, I'd like to know.) I also have Myspace and Facebook accounts that I try and keep up with.

Always, always, there are friends and family that need thoughts and prayers, not to mention those people in Japan. Wow! I cannot seem to wrap my mind around such an event. I see videos and read the stories but due to the fact that we are so far away, it's hard to feel close to it all. I was thankful that my brother wasn't over there on one of his business trips when it all went down. If you are from Japan and are reading this, you all have my sympathy. I pray God will hold you all in the palm of his hand. This is one of those events that I cannot understand in my human state. God only knows....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


O.K. Here is the scoop for those who are wondering: Ebates is legitimate. You DO get money back from shopping from the sight. I got my 1st check recently so I'm impressed! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Emergencies

Now seems to be a good time to talk about snow emergencies in respect to the reactions / inactions of the employer. It seems to me that businesses ought to care about the health and safety of their workers. Somehow, making those workers stay to work when the snow emergency has reached a level 3 seems irresponsible, not to mention presenting a bad public image. So what if the production schedule takes a hit? What about a hit that employee's family would take if the individual can't make it home on the unsafe roads and gets hurt or worse?

Hhmm... just food for thought. Maybe if the businesses can't be responsible on their own, there should be a law in place concerning it all.

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