Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ups and downs

Well...what can I say? It's been a while since I've been here doing one of the things I like to do best. Life has been so crazy that I've been overwhelmed and couldn't add one more thing to my days it seems.

Both my sons have had health issues. Need I say what that does to the Mom? Even though I know they are safely in the arms of God, being the human that I am, I worry.

It seemed like the job change I made from office assistant to Customer Service Rep. was an adjustment that took all the energy and focus I had for a while. Is it a good thing that my friend insomnia is back? (Isn't there some song about that? If you are a reader and know the answer to that, I'd like to know.) I also have Myspace and Facebook accounts that I try and keep up with.

Always, always, there are friends and family that need thoughts and prayers, not to mention those people in Japan. Wow! I cannot seem to wrap my mind around such an event. I see videos and read the stories but due to the fact that we are so far away, it's hard to feel close to it all. I was thankful that my brother wasn't over there on one of his business trips when it all went down. If you are from Japan and are reading this, you all have my sympathy. I pray God will hold you all in the palm of his hand. This is one of those events that I cannot understand in my human state. God only knows....

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