Friday, October 23, 2009

This Week's Ramblings

I'm starting to get that feeling inside like it's been forever since I've been here so it must be time to write SOMETHING! lol.

This week has been rather slow at work. We are entering the normal slow time of the year but the problem is that it never picked up during what was supposed to be the busy time. Given that information, the outlook is not good. There still aren't an abundance of new jobs out there so the ones that are available have literally hundreds of applicants. But, God willing, it will all work out for me somewhere along the way.

I have been thinking about how people think about their work experiences. It has sort of been an observation that people tend to not want to try something they don't already know how to do for lack of confidence. I've been there myself before. But, somewhere along the way I decided, hey, why not try? The worst that can happen is that I could fail. I tend to be persistent so what I do fail at, I keep at it, trying until I figure it out. What good is giving up? Each new experience lets us learn something we didn't know before, even if we didn't understand each and every facet of it. We take what we learn and move on to the next experience. Overall, I find that works well for me. It makes me less afraid to have the courage to step out and do the next thing. And, who knows? I could be pleasantly surprised to find out I could do what I tried to do. Just more of my ramblings.....

1 comment:

  1. I think people do want to experience something new, but now is probably not the right time for changes and new experiences. People tend to stick to what job they have for fear of not finding some other job.
