Saturday, October 3, 2009

Asher and Anna

Asher and Anna are a set of twins that my brother and his wife adopted from an orphanage in the Ukraine. They are 3 years old and are so sweet! They are learning English very quickly and what we cannot understand, they can sign. They are adjusting beautifully. My brother would like to know though what the words of the song Asher keeps singing are because he likes the tune. My brother doesn't speak Russian so he may never know. We had a wonderful visit today and they surely kept us all amused. They are very busy kids! Heehee.


  1. Cute kids. Ukraine is good stuff. May they grow up healthy and happy and bring much joy to your brother's family!

  2. I am sure they will all do well. There is much love being given to the children and they seem to be responding in a wonderful way and I'm sure it will be much better than their lives might have been otherwise. :-)
