Sunday, February 21, 2021


Last night I watched a video interview with Tim Ballard.  He is involved with rescuing children from trafficking.  The information he revealed is horrible!  When I think of how safe we were as kids growing up...

These kids are horribly abused and sex trafficked.  It's absolutely disgusting how these monster criminals act.  Of course, he didn't get into too many details for which I am thankful.  I am a Mom and a Grandmother and it's like throwing daggers into my heart to learn of such things.  But, it is important not to look the other way and pretend that it is not happening right here in the United States.  

Then, I watched a short video rant from a gal in Texas.  Apparently they are not getting the help they need there.  Where is the government assistance they need?  Where's Biden?  Where is the National Guard and other military?????  Really?  More can't be done?  I don't believe that I'm sorry.  

The overall picture here in the US is not looking good right now.

Oh...and it's too late for Private West and Central Bank!!!!!  It is a FAIL!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Is It Castle Rock?

It has been said that the scenes of Biden signing things in the Oval Office is none other than the movie set at Castle Rock Studios.  The Valentines Day scene was seen by all.  I've never been to D.C. but am curious about the building shown in the background that is red.  There is a lot so far that is so strange.  Absolutely every little detail that seems off has been noticed by people.  

That being said, there are things being said by prophets that don't coincide with what is shown to be going on in D.C.  The snow has been prophesized as being a cleansing of the earth.  All along, we have heard that God is angry in particular about the sin that has occurred concerning the children.  Anyone who has any sympathy for the children would hope that God IS angry about it.  I feel it is not a coincidence that so many have been rescued which is wonderful news!  

Most of this is food for thought.  See, I'm just throwing some of this out there because it causes one to really think!  We have been mislead in this country by so many corrupt politicians that we don't always feel we know which end is up.  But....some things we DO know.  HHmmmm.   ðŸ‘€

Saturday, February 13, 2021

What is it?

I have heard a lot on the internet about NESARA.  What is it?
Well, according to Wikipedia it is:  the National Economic Security and Recovery Act.  It was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Bernard.

Bernard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency which result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced.  

Why is this being broadcast now?   HHmmmmm

Did the corporation of the United States go bankrupt?  I have heard yes.  Did you know it was a corporation?  Since the 1800s?

Are we being told everything?

Do your own research.  Just saying'.   The world is a crazy place right now. 

Is it too late?

 There is a lot being said about whether or not it is too late for anything to happen. Well, there ARE things happening every day with all of it.  But it does make you wonder since we are half way through Feb.  Is it all conspiracy?  Were all the prophets wrong?  Something in my gut tells me all this is happening to wake people up.  I just saw a post by a woman who had to buy insulin for her son.  Under Trump, the price had come down to the 60's to buy it for a month.  Under Biden, it has gone up to $500.00.  Luckily for her, she had a coupon that brought it down to $300.00.  Luckily?????

Buckle up!!!  This isn't over!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Are we awake yet?

We are living in crazy times, at least for me.  

 When you say the word "corruption" in America, where do you even start? Lord, forgive me because I didn't know. So many of us didn't.  Some still don't.  We have been so wrapped up in our immediate lives.  That is, working, being parents or grandparents and paying the bills.  

The election is a huge thing.  What happened to us as Americans is inexcusable.  Through this whole journey, we have been enlightened about many things that were being hidden from us.  Think about this topic:  CHILDREN.  My heart hurts for them as I continue to find out more and more.  The fact that it has all been going on for a very long time makes it all even worse.  

CHILDREN.  Many have been rescued, thank God.  Thank God for the people rescuing them.  

God. The nation needs to get back to God. Repentance.  

I have recently been watching several podcasts and I've learned a lot.  One is the "X22 Report".  The other major one is "Prepping 101".  They are very different from each other.  "X22" is more informative. "Prepping 101" is also informative but also is a community of concerned, loving citizens.  They support one another in their exploration and learning.  "Prepping 101" has spurred me to find more out on my own.  I am digging through as much information as I can.  I have found out so many things that I don't really want to know.  But, it is necessary to be informed.  

Our freedoms are slowly being taken away.  We all need to wake up about it all!  America needs justice!  The world needs justice!  The time is now.  Evil has to be stopped.  It has to be identified.  There are good people out there standing up for us and we need to get behind them.  

Thoughts and prayers for America!  Take care and God bless America!


Monday, February 1, 2021

Information is shocking the world.

There is so much information coming out right now and it is so overwhelming it is like getting punched in the stomach.  I believe one can only take so much of it at one time.  It makes one wonder if there is any good people in the government.  Very scary indeed!  I hope with all my heart that God intervenes in all this!  That would be our only hope.  What really floors me is that this has all happened in the United States.  So sad.  

I watched a documentary today that I happened onto on YouTube.  It was about the "dying rooms" in China.  Oh my God!  This is horrible.  Even with all the incredible corruption here, we are still blessed by God here.  So heartbreaking!  I pray to God this changes for China.  I should add that the "dying rooms" I talk about is all about children.  Unwanted children.  Mostly girls.