Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Job

Well, I have a new job to go to on Nov. 16Th. I am both excited and nervous, as it's been a long time since I have started a new job. I have high hopes for this one and I'm hoping it will be less stressful for me. I still have one week left at my current job so my mind is in both places. So, I guess I feel like I have a lot going on inside concerning all of it. I've been where I am for about 8 years. It wasn't easy to take the step to decide to get something else and wasn't something I had originally planned to do. It just goes to show you that you don't know what your future holds for you. If someone had told me years ago that this is what I would do, I'd probably had said "no way". But, here I am.

There are many benefits to going to the new job. I have already met some of the people and am eager to work with them. It is hard to leave somewhere you have been for that long though. Time will tell the story of how it all works out and I'm sure I will elaborate more as time goes on.

On to the future!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's wonderful news. The most important thing is that the new place "will be less stressful".
