Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hunting Season

I came home from work to find a few tree limbs lying under the tree in the back yard. The tree was being formatted with a stand for target practice. As the operation progressed, I noticed a five gallon bucket with a rope attached which ran on up over a limb by the platform. It's purpose was for arrow retrieval for the shooter. I couldn't decide whether this was pure genius or just plain redneck. I'm leaning towards the "redneck" term since I also have a herd on the wall in the front room of our home. I'm used to that, but it does scare some of our new visitors. Besides, it's better than having them shoot off the roof of the house.All joking aside, I'm thankful for all the venison throughout the years. It has definately saved us a lot of money for feeding the family. Kudos to the guys on that one! I've even gotten to the point where I "expect" someone to get a deer every year. It remains to be seen how this year's hunting will turn out. Stay tuned.

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