Thursday, February 20, 2014

Justina / The Glenn Beck Program on the Blaze

There has been coverage about Justina Pelletier on the Glenn Beck program.  I totally agree with Glenn on this issue.  This girl is going to die if her parents aren't going to be allowed to take her to a different facility to be treated.  The state and the Boston's Children's hospital are basically holding her hostage and this girl is dying because of it!  I would be so irate if this were being done to me and my family. 

It is so frustrating to see all this happening in America!  We treat all the illegal aliens better than this family!  Don't get me wrong, I think other people should be able to come to this country but it needs to be a legal process. 

My prayers go up for this girl and her family that something transpires before it is too late!  For once, maybe Obama could do something good with his pen and his phone!  We'll watch and see if he does!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Wow!  Where to start with that!  The hubby will be leaving his workplace after 33 years.  Yikes!  The changes that are coming to us!  To begin with, we haven't worked the same shift for YEARS!  That is all going to change in a day.  He will be working after that doing the kind of work he has always wanted to do. 

I know it doesn't seem real to him but he will soon feel that too!  We will have huge changes financially and the full impact of all that remains to be seen.  The decisions one has to make at this point are overwhelming.  Suddenly, you look back and say "How did I even get this old?"  LOL

So there's that and the fact that our youngest son will be getting married in May.  There is certainly a lot going on right now.  Now that I've said that I'm thinking "When has there NOT been a lot going on? "  Such is life.....