Sunday, March 2, 2025


We used to go out for breakfast more than we are doing now.  Since Jim's heart attack, not so much.  :(  We miss our forever waitress that isn't there anymore.'s the fact that our schedule is different right now that Jim has PT 3 times a week in the morning so we don't try to go out on those days.  We average about once a week now.  It is what is is!!  

This thing is becoming more and more like a diary I guess.  That's the season it's in I guess.  I write to one of my deceased brother's friends.  He is in prison probably until his 70"s.   I just feel bad for the existence he has now.  I suppose too, he was a contact of by brother's is why I do it as well. 

We have our taxes done for another year.  I hope they do away with the income tax.  We will see.  And...I suppose the penny is gone forever.  Who would have thought?  Yikes!  So many changes!

Stay tuned...