Saturday, April 16, 2022

Crazy is Putting it Lightly!

So the state of the country just keeps getting crazier doesn't it?  People don't know what to believe anymore!  The main news just keeps up their narratives of what they want you to believe.  You are responsible to learn the truth yourself these days.  

Telegram seems to be the best place to begin digging for the truth.  There are some very good podcasts on You Tube but either way, you have to use discernment and not believe it all before checking things out further yourself!  I know things are escalating and it's obvious to most people that things are not as they seem.  

If you post on You Tube, the censoring it so bad that you have to watch what you say or you will be taken down.  What is this country coming to?   It's up to we the people to turn it around.  We are sick of the lies we constantly are being told.

So I highly recommend that if one sees something on the news that you know is false, it should be reported to the FCC.  This can be done on the internet.   If one does this, it has to be investigated.  Just one way to address the situation.  Better than sitting back and doing nothing.

O.K.  That was my rant. 

I do hope families get together and celebrate Easter.  Have a great weekend!