I think people would agree that a lot of negative things have been happening! However, at our house we have been blessed beyond measure. Our son and daughter-in-law have brought a most precious little girl into our family. She is now a month old and she still isn't supposed to be here yet. Her arrival date was supposed to be Nov. 11th. Our unbiased opinion is that she is beautiful and perfect and certainly came at a time when there is much worry in the country of what will happen with the virus situation. Joy in the midst of chaos. Just what we needed! We pray she continues to progress in the positive direction she is currently going. It is a reminder of how much our other two granddaughters mean to us as well. I feel so blessed!
As far as the condition of our country....I believe God has given voices to many digital soldiers who are making a huge difference to those who follow their voices during this mess. We all need to consult God on our choices right now and not give in to panic or fear.
Stay tuned for what tomorrow brings! Have a great Sunday and I pray that any anxiety that you have today is taken away.