Sunday, October 31, 2021

Life Goes On

I think people would agree that a lot of negative things have been happening!  However, at our house we have been blessed beyond measure.  Our son and daughter-in-law have brought a most precious little girl into our family.  She is now a month old and she still isn't supposed to be here yet.  Her arrival date was supposed to be Nov. 11th. Our unbiased opinion is that she is beautiful and perfect and certainly came at a time when there is much worry in the country of what will happen with the virus situation.  Joy in the midst of chaos.  Just what we needed!  We pray she continues to progress in the positive direction she is currently going.  It is a reminder of how much our other two granddaughters mean to us as well.  I feel so blessed! 

As far as the condition of our country....I believe God has given voices to many digital soldiers who are making a huge difference to those who follow their voices during this mess.  We all need to consult God on our choices right now and not give in to panic or fear.  

Stay tuned for what tomorrow brings!  Have a great Sunday and I pray that any anxiety that you have today is taken away.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


So what in the world has been going on lately?  Isn't that a loaded question?  Well let's see...
The censorship on social media is beyond terrible!!  I am currently banned from Face Book for 24 hours.  It's a noble club!  All I did was share a video I had seen on Telegram.  It pertained to current events. I managed to get myself in Telegram jail as well.  This coming from a 62 year old introvert Grandma!  Go figure!

My son and daughter-in-law came down with the virus at the same time.  This also meant we had to stay away from them and our darling granddaughters for a period of time.  It just so happened that our other son and daughter-in-law had their baby prematurely.  She wasn't due until Nov. 11.  She was 7 weeks early.  This also meant we couldn't go see the newborn right away due to being exposed to the virus.  So we had to wait on that and haven't seen the 2 grands that live next door because of the virus.  Yikes!  This has been a very stressful time for us all  We are thankful that things are going well for Callie (the newborn) and the other 2 girls seem to be O.K.  It's a very hard thing for me not to be able to jump in there and help when people might need me.  :(

Things in the country are escalating and not in a good way.  I don't have to tell anyone that.  EVERYONE knows it!  I find myself close to tears sometimes!  What is normal anymore?

Stay tuned....not a dull world!

Saturday, October 2, 2021

When The Lights Go Out, by David Rodriguez

I just finished reading this book!  This is not the type of book I would normally read.  I am glad that I read it!  It is an excellent read!  I cannot imagine going through what David went through!  I had to come out of my "bubble" for this one!  

It is full of passion.  It is told how David tells everything.  He puts it out there!   He brings a lot of awareness to bullying.  I was so glad to find out he is now trying to help kids with this issue.  

This book gets 5 stars!  It did not disappoint!  

  Note:  I do not personally know this author.  I do listen to his podcasts on You Tube.