Yesterday was my 40th Class Reunion. I had committed to going a while back. As life would have it, the everyday business and tiredness that one feels from the weekly rut almost had me feeling like I didn't want to go. But...I did. I am so glad that I did. (I ended up buying my food donation instead of preparing something myself because of the way my time worked out, but I guess there are more tragic things in life.)
It is hard to describe the feeling I got from being in that place with all the people that in each one of their own ways, had an effect on me becoming the person I am today. A blast from the past. I was not expecting to be impacted to that degree. I was just so happy to see these people! There were some there that had to travel a ways to get there. Thank you!
A part of me was glad to see that we have all come through the scrapes, traumas and joys of life to get back to this point. There was an unexpected feeling of closeness to these people that I did not know I would experience. That alone is kinda cool...
I thought this event was organized extremely well. Hats off to those who put the time into getting all of us there. I wanted to help but am at a point in my life right now that I have to say "no" to some things. :( I know it is temporary though.
I regret that there hasn't been more interaction between us all throughout the years. I am also sorry that there were ones who missed it for whatever reason. They truly missed out. We would have loved seeing them too. I am sorry too, for the ones we have lost.