Tuesday, February 15, 2011


O.K. Here is the scoop for those who are wondering: Ebates is legitimate. You DO get money back from shopping from the sight. I got my 1st check recently so I'm impressed! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Emergencies

Now seems to be a good time to talk about snow emergencies in respect to the reactions / inactions of the employer. It seems to me that businesses ought to care about the health and safety of their workers. Somehow, making those workers stay to work when the snow emergency has reached a level 3 seems irresponsible, not to mention presenting a bad public image. So what if the production schedule takes a hit? What about a hit that employee's family would take if the individual can't make it home on the unsafe roads and gets hurt or worse?

Hhmm... just food for thought. Maybe if the businesses can't be responsible on their own, there should be a law in place concerning it all.

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